PATHWAY 4 OF 7: Honoring Your Accomplishments
And today we move into what I like to call the “FUN pathways!!”
I stumbled upon a process that created an instant shift for me. And when I say shift I mean that my head turned and I knew something very powerful had changed inside of me. Continue reading
PATHWAY 5 OF 7: Owning Your Creative Gifts
The processes of Letting Go, Discovering and Releasing takes you to the door of the room where your treasure box resides. After all these years you finally have access to your beautiful God given gems that you have been denying for so long.
You look inside and see the gem and reach in Continue reading
PATHWAY 6 OF 7: Celebrating YOU
It is time to celebrate who you are … period. Celebrate the fact that you are alive.
If you are here reading this email you have probably experienced some challenging times and you have made it this far. Be grateful and celebrate this now! Continue reading
PATHWAY 7 OF 7: Embodying Your Creativity
- It is time to take it in deeper. This is how transformation happens.
It is going to take TENACITY to do this work.
When I owned my big ergonomics company, Continue reading
Day 0 – Saying YES to ME / 30 Stories in 30 Days! – December 2013 Series
A couple of years ago I began writing a series of stories. I intended to write 30 Stories in 30 Days yet after completing five stories I experienced a huge insight about my life and was guided down a new path and through a series of processes. This led me to own the artist within me and it has been life changing. I’ve written enough for a book in the past couple of years but until now did not feel ready to share anything with anyone other than myself.
So this month I’ll be SAYING YES to ACCEPTING my life 100% to whatever is showing up. The outcome I would like to experience at the end of this series is feeling GRATITUDE for EVERYTHING. Who knows what miracles may happen?!
I’ll be SAYING YES to what is challenging, easy, fun, crazy, boring, peaceful, colorful, playful, painful, difficult, taking longer than I want, etc. I’ll be SAYING YES to what I rather not experience and what I enjoy. I’ll be SAYING YES to what feeds my pleasure, fun and playfulness and what does not. I’ll be SAYING YES to my life experiences as I am inspired.
I’m looking forward to this journey of sharing and learning more about myself. I’m taking a big leap of faith that I’ll tap into my inspiration to write and create art everyday along with everything else happening in my life.
With Love, Wendy
31 Day Challenge: Day 16
This is my 3rd post about my 31 day challenge. I thought it would be a great idea to only post once a week about this particular journey because it is much easier to keep my word to myself!
A Couple of Accomplishments I am Proud of on this Journey:
Accomplishment #1 – Raw/Vegan and Gratitude Focus
I have not eaten any cheese…a miracle…and my body does feel better. I have eaten some sugar mainly in chocolate and I have had some coffee….but not everyday. I am eating about as much raw as usual….50-70% if I had to guess and vegetarian. I originally wanted to eat 100% vegan but since I ate some yogurt and a tiny bit of dairy in my coffee
What is even more exciting to me is that I have experienced some insights and I believe it is because I chose to change my eating habits. Last week I felt a new and deep connection to my soul. On a conscious level I have known for many years that the turbulent twist and turns on my path to healing were for a reason…and last week I felt it in my body. Here is what I posted on Facebook within minutes of this insight.
“So many new ahas are coming up for me this week. Just a few minutes ago I instantly felt a deep connection to my soul. I feel a deep knowing in my body that all I have experienced in my life and all the healing I have done to get to this place was to prepare me for this time. This is something I have known consciously for many years on my journey and now to feel it deep inside. Priceless.”
I have written in my gratitude journal more often and after just a few days I could sense a new awareness about my relationship to money and my divine abundance. For many years after noticing the amount of money in my bank accounts … no matter the amount there was always a sense of tightening in my body. And I noticed that this has shifted as I noticed the balance and the amount of cash in my wallet.
Immediately I felt this money connected to my divinity and my divine bank account and that there is always an abundance of money. That is a rather huge shift that occurred in small increments over a period of time…say years! And now lets see where this new awareness takes me!
I feel grounded and connected and balanced. I feel grateful for the many blessings in my life.
Accomplishment #2- Creative Focus
I have placed an extraordinary amount of focus on my brand new program: Breakthrough Healing & Mentoring to Awaken the Inspired Creator and Artist. I have been attempting to work on this since April all kinds of things happened instead.
April 20th a 2 month old puppy came to live with me and for about a month it was all about him….Simba. Then every time I sat to write I made no progress.
In the past 2 weeks I have been much more focused. And one day last week was a major day of focus for me which enabled me to “pre-launch” this program. The pre-launch pricing ends today and then I will begin working on the launch portion. I am excited to see the results of my focus and the inspiration I am receiving for this program.
The lotus flower that you see on this page began as a simple brown lotus and I “accidentally” figured out how to fill it in with color on Photoshop! This is something I have wanted to do for years….Removing blocks from my life allowed this to happen I believe! There is still a bit more to be done and I could use a bit of training as well.
In a bit I plan to push the computer away and create art….it has been calling me!
Looking forward to what develops over the next week!
With Love
31 Day Challenge: Day 8
And what a challenging week it has been! My challenge began as a mostly raw and all vegan lifestyle for the entire month of July. So far….it is about 50-75% raw and 80-90 % vegan. Not too shabby!
I was starving so I ate some yogurt…but no hard cheese. That was big for me because I have eaten more cheese in the past few years than I have most of my life.
It was time to get back into balance. So I am pleased up to this point and I feel better. That was the point.
I believe that food has a consciousness and it becomes a part of ours…..thoughts, beliefs, emotions, connection to divine…..so I will continue on this path and go deeper as I do with everything in my life it seems. A few years ago I began eating more vegetarian and thus began my journey with cheese! It is easy and sooo good!
OK, enough about food for now.
My challenge went deeper. I have been working on my sales page for my new healing/mentoring teleseries and private sessions and have experienced TECHSTRESS! Not fun. Hopefully installing Firefox on my laptop is going to help.
My teleseries is going to be ultra cool as it will help awaken people to their creativity in a fun and very unique way. I will be guiding everyone to create a special project that works in tandem with my 6 step process that I will be sharing. Can’t wait.
I feel so ALIVE! What I know more than anything: I AM READY TO SERVE!! BRING IT ON!
More soon!
Following is the link to the blog talk radio show I was interviewed on this past week. It is a followup to my video that I posted yesterday. I go into much more candid detail about my challenging experience the past couple of years. May you find some tidbits of inspiration!
Life Richness Shapes Purpose and Life Goals
I have been an entrepreneur for 27 years and have had so many incredible experiences….many that have had me on my knees that I have had to rise way above after much personal work on myself.
There have been a number of “bizarre” experiences that have taught me many lessons. Things that fell into my lap out of the blue that either caused great pain or superb joy. It has allowed me to grow in demonstrative ways. It has taught me to continue to think out of the box, be creative, be myself more than I could have possibly imagined.
As I look back on the personal experiences of my life I see how closely intertwined it all is. The personal experiences affect my business and visa versa.
And because of the many rich and juicy stories it has helped me to realize that I am a storyteller at heart and these stories are just begging to be told. I am taking the necessary time to mold these stories into my keynote speaking.
When I tell my stories it heals me and inspires others to grow and change and take actions they have not been courageous enough to take.
As an Empowerment Coach, Author and Speaker I help my clients to find their courage, step into their self worth and take actions with confidence. I had to do this for myself and if it were not for all of the rich experiences of my life that may not have happened.
So look at the Richness of your life’s experiences and use this as the fuel to get you to your next fantastic journey whatever that may be!
With Love!
Empowered to Say NO to Unreaasonable Business RequestS
I was an ergonomic consultant for many years (certified associate ergonomist) and a law firm once requested that I consult with all of their administrative staff to make sure their computer workstations were setup for comfort.
The “unreasonable” part was that they expected me to do this work for FREE!!! I could not believe it. When I asked them if they planned to order any of the products I would be recommending they told me maybe about $200 worth.
I told them a big NO as it would have taken me a couple of days to do the job and definitely not worth my time!
And I did not ever see myself as empowered back then…probably a bit annoyed though!
Be Empowered!