Cleaning with Ho’oponopono

Have you ever heard or seen a situation that made you feel sad, but you really couldn’t do anything about it? Maybe a friend is sharing a personal challenge. Or you’ve heard a heartbreaking news story. I mean, you can’t foster all the orphaned pups, can you? But… what if you could help by cleaning with Ho’oponopono?

Cleaning is the result of a consistent Ho’oponopono practice:

“I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

I know, it’s a little counter-intuitive. Taking on the burden of situations when we are not the cause — it sounds a little co-dependent, doesn’t it? What I’ve learned over the years is that we are, in fact, co-creators of each other’s lives. This powerful, healing mantra allows us to take responsibility and clean the energy. It helps me, you and everyone else.

Cleaning With Ho’oponopono – How To Begin:

When we clean, we erase the subconscious memories (programming) that cause situations to replay in our lives. The cleaning brings us to the “zero state” or what Dr. Joe Vitale calls the “white board” where an inspiration, a-ha or instant shift can zing us.

When people share stories about their challenges, when I hear sad things, when I observe a situation I’d like to see improved, I say the mantra. I’m so grateful for this technique and for the numerous benefits over the years.

Your Ho’oponopono practice will create the experiences you are meant to have in your life and will be quite different than mine.

The best part is that we don’t have to know how it’s going to happen. The Divine knows the big picture and when we take responsibility by cleaning and letting go of the outcome, the Divine delivers. We must pay attention and take immediate, inspired action!

Ho’oponopono can guide us to be our own guru (all the answers are inside of us) depending on how often we practice.

Cleaning with my iLoVeU Ho’oponopono Art Cards:

I developed these art cards from a strong divine inspiration. After my mother was diagnosed with dementia, I needed an outlet for my grief and frustration. Intuitively, I turned to my art and the comfort of my Ho’oponopono practice. Before I knew it, I had created a series of healing art cards, rich with symbolism.

iLoVeU Ho’oponopono Art Cards package!

Here are some simple guidelines focusing the Ho’oponopono Art Cards as visual prompts in your cleaning.

1. Connect deeply to an issue that you would like resolution on.

2. Thumb through the iLoVeU Ho’oponopono Art Cards and pick the card that calls to you. Or, you can let the Universe surprise you by choosing a card with your eyes closed.

3. Allow the card’s theme to guide your practice (cleaning).
  • Begin by meditating on the image and noticing how the art speaks to you.
  • Read the message on the back, while also considering the contrast of the message.
  • Allow yourself to connect more deeply to your consciousness.
4. Now you are ready to say your Ho’oponopono mantra:
I love you.
   I’m sorry.
      Please forgive me.
         Thank you.
New information about these art cards continues to flow to me so they are basically a work in progress. As I receive new information, I’ll be sure to share with you!

Cleaning without my iLoVeU Ho’oponopono Art Cards:

Repeat the following mantra while focusing on the issue you desire resolution on:

I love you.
   I’m sorry.
      Please forgive me.
         Thank you.

Be on the lookout for an introductory video including an invite to a free, video series where I share about each of the 10 art cards in this collection.

I am so excited to share so much more with you because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this practice! Cleaning with Ho’oponopono has brought some extraordinary results in my life.

Let me know of any questions you may have and if you want your own set of iLoVeU Ho’oponopono Art Cards at the introductory price order –> here


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