PATHWAY 1 OF 7: Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves You.
“As soon as I saw the trapeze I knew I had to do it! I climbed to the top of the ladder and I was so scared I wanted to climb back down the stairs yet was told I had to step onto the platform. Then I was afraid to take the step from the platform at the same time I grabbed the handle because I knew there was no going back! After several minutes I finally took the step and flew over the net screaming and then I landed on the other side safely. I sat out for 30 minutes watching everyone else do the same thing. I was hooked. I played on the flying trapeze everyday for a week until my hands were sore and I performed in the circus show. It was great fun and a great expansion for me.”
That was a fun story about my flying trapeze experience over 20 years ago on a Club Med vacation (yes I admit I went to Club Med and had a blast! “Hands Up Baby Hands Up!” LOL)
Of course I know this is only a metaphor for letting go but it certainly shares the idea that letting go is freeing and it will take you places you never even dreamed of!
When we let go we give ourselves permission to take a deeper look at ourselves. Another way of saying this is that when we hold onto something we are not ready to look within at a deeper level.
You may already know what you are ready to let go of or at least have been contemplating. These include those behaviors and ways of being that you have been wanting to shift. Or you might be considering letting go of a relationship, job, career, your home or other material items.
Sometimes it is just so dang hard to let go. I know. It took me five years to let go of my house and this past year has been a journey of letting go. Life is filled with opportunities to let go and trust. The more you are willing to let go the more you are showing the universe your faith. And faith creates unimagined miracles.
Plain and simple, letting go takes courage. Sometimes it calls for reaching deep inside and finding the courage we did not realize we have. The truth is that we have infinite amounts of courage always there for us to access.
A few years ago I walked through a very tough time and then one day I realized that my courage lived right inside of me. I could sense it, feel it, taste it and it surprised me. It was one of those aha moments when I realized that everything I ever needed lived inside of me.
Courage is at the top of the list. So consider all the times in your life you required courage and then multiply that by 10 and feel your courage RISE in you!
You’ve heard the phrase “The first step is the hardest?” Well lets simplify this process.
1) Make a list of all those thoughts you’ve been having about letting go.
2) Group them in different columns to separate the types of possible “things” you can let go of (behaviors, relationships and material possessions, etc).
3) Take it a step further and consider which of those you list will be easy vs “not so easy” because it will give you some perspective and help you get started.
4) Then choose something simple and LET GO.
5) Trust.
Once you begin letting go and notice the wonderful benefits that come from it you will feel more courageous to let go again. Letting go will become a way of life for you and each time you do it you open yourself to an avalanche of new good to flow into your life. Letting go sets up a series of serendipitous events (sometimes very subtle) and it leads you into the rest of the pathways I’ll be sharing with you.
I have so much more to share about letting go and for now I will just let go! This is one of 7 pathways I am sharing with you.
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Looking forward to speaking!