
Day 6 – Saying YES to GRATITUDE

Last week at Thanksgiving I felt something that was new. It was a very deep and grounded awareness of my gratitude about my family. That may seem silly to many at first but for me the reason it is so monumental is because in the past 30 years there has been so much sadness about my family relationships that I often would find myself wishing for something better or compare my family to what I observed when I went to visit my friends’ holiday celebrations for dessert.

It always felt great to be able to have conversations with my friends and their parents … something that has not happened with some members of my family without feeling judged or put down or ignored in some way.

So it felt and still feels so wonderful to notice and feel the gratitude for what is. When I began writing these “Say YES to ME” post several days ago one of the things that I “hoped” for was feeling gratitude for everything by the end of December!

It appears that I am well on my way!

Love and Light!

Wendy G Young

Day 0 – Saying YES to ME / 30 Stories in 30 Days! – December 2013 Series

A couple of years ago I began writing a series of stories. I intended to write 30 Stories in 30 Days yet after completing five stories I experienced a huge insight about my life and was guided down a new path and through a series of processes. This led me to own the artist within me and it has been life changing. I’ve written enough for a book in the past couple of years but until now did not feel ready to share anything with anyone other than myself.

So this month I’ll be SAYING YES to ACCEPTING my life 100% to whatever is showing up. The outcome I would like to experience at the end of this series is feeling GRATITUDE for EVERYTHING. Who knows what miracles may happen?!

I’ll be SAYING YES to what is challenging, easy, fun, crazy, boring, peaceful, colorful, playful, painful, difficult, taking longer than I want, etc. I’ll be SAYING YES to what I rather not experience and what I enjoy. I’ll be SAYING YES to what feeds my pleasure, fun and playfulness and what does not. I’ll be SAYING YES to my life experiences as I am inspired.

I’m looking forward to this journey of sharing and learning more about myself. I’m taking a big leap of faith that I’ll tap into my inspiration to write and create art everyday along with everything else happening in my life.

With Love, Wendy

Forgiveness is a Blessing

Forgiveness is a blessing to the forgiver and the person being forgiven. Sometimes it is the same person. In other words we can choose to forgive ourselves from behaviors we have judged ourselves for.

Saturday was Yom Kippor the holiest day on the Jewish calendar (lunar calendar).

In honor of this “Day of Atonement” I focused on forgiveness and what it meant to me.

Forgiveness really is all about ourselves. The more we can let go the more we can move on and fully embrace our lives. If we are not forgiving then the person it affects the most is us.

I wrote a few pages of things to forgive myself for and as I wrote them I could feel a release inside of me … a healing.

Here are just a few of the things I have noticed about myself over the years and have chosen to forgive myself for:

Rushing and making it just in time
Not fully taking in the moment
Preaching my ideas to those that do not care…i.e…family 🙂
Eating too fast
Not trusting in myself
Playing and thinking small
Not speaking up
Constricting instead of expanding (I just breathed very deeply – confirmation!)
Holding my breath
Not feeling worthy
Not seeing Source inside myself
Working too hard

Well that’s 12 and I can assure you there are many more.

I am going to keep writing. There is so much!! Perhaps I can inspire you to write along with me?!

I am in gratitude and appreciation for you.

Love and Inspiration!


Inspired Action in Perfect Timing

I attended Baeth Davis’s Life Purpose Summit in Phoenix this past weekend.  It was a  last minute choice and I am in deep gratitude for how it all came together.

When I heard about it a couple of weeks before I felt the desire to attend deep inside my body. Instead of taking action to go I just kept seeing myself there and I knew that I would be there.

The best part was when I emailed a friend in Houston to tell her about it and the fact that there was a way she could go as my guest and we could then save money.  She emailed back to say that she was already enrolled and had a friend that was splitting the cost of the event.

Then she offered that her boyfriend wanted to go and would be interested in splitting the cost of the ticket with me. As the event was getting closer he realized that he wanted to be there!

It is so interesting when this happens because it is an confirmation of listening to my intuition. Or was I simple feeling inspired?!

It seems like a combination of both.

The important point here is to listen and take action when you are guided.

Once I made the choice to go and said YES all the necessary doors were wide open to create the perfect adventure and I manifested many unexpected pleasures! That’s how the law of attraction works!

Love and Inspiration!


Authenticity and Being You

A few years ago a close friend of mine gave me a plaque for my birthday and today I am inspired to share it with you.

What it really means to me is to be who you are at your core. Stay true to yourself with all the chaos going on around you … whether in your personal life or in the world at large.

Be authentic.

Speak from your heart.

Be kind and loving.

Remember who you came here to be.

This will set you free from competition, fear and scarcity and will help you experience joys you have yet to imagine.

You deserve everything you dream about.

Be in gratitude for everything you experience in life now.

Breathe deeply several times a day and let it become a frequent behavior!

Open yourself to living your life in divine inspiration and creativity!

Take inspired actions with passion and joy.

Experience your most fulfilling life!

Love and Inspiration!


Breathe…If You Think You Can’t…

If you think you can’t…..


If you think you cannot make it another day or another month


If you are wondering how to pay the mortgage or rent


If you think you cannot heal


If life seems difficult


If you do not feel happy


If there seems to be no time to play and enjoy life


If you feel that you have been wronged in some way


If you think that you will lose it all


If you have fear running through your body


Because breathing brings you into the present

Away from the issues of the past

And away from the fears of the future

The only moment you have is right now

To create…

So continue to breathe in the energy of the universe

To keep you focused in the present

And to fuel your desires and inspired actions

And to stay calm and centered in the now.

Stand for your FREEDOM within this July 4th!

Happy Independence Day today July 4th, 2009! I hope you have a wonderful day planned with people you care about!

I’m curious what it means to you to have your freedom.

To be independent.

To live in a miraculous time such as this where you can choose where and how you want to live your life?

To decide what you want and take the divine right

Actions that will bring these desires to you?

Perhaps it is to have the choice of doing nothing.

Or making a difference in the world?

I was thinking about this earlier as I have been taking Divine right actions for the past 25 years in various businesses.

Sometimes it was challenging. Sometimes it was fun.

Sometimes it was…well, not fun!

But I kept going. I was persistent and I always asked myself what the next action was.

Last year I was going to close a business that was depleting me of energy. It had taken my freedom away.

I had been told it was not worth anything to anyone except me.

The decision to “let go” created a ripple effect in the universe. The universe was waiting for me to LET GO so that I could create the next stage of my life.

A few days later I was inspired with an idea to sell my business! I had “thought” of selling my business in the past but it did not seem viable. Frankly, it seemed impossible. Yet three months later it sold for an amount of money that was beyond my wildest dreams.

That is because I learned that when inspiration hits to take massive and immediate action.


When we take action from an inspired place the universe is on our side. We are riding the flow and energy of the universe.

Do you realize how powerful you are to create consistent miracles?

There is a big light inside of you that can bring you all that you truly desire!

Stand in that light! Show it off to the world.

Claim what it is that you want. Get out of the way. Allow it to come to you.

Let your universe open up to you.

And pretend those fireworks are going off inside of you!

Cause they really are!

In honor of July 4th and whatever INDEPENDENCE means to you I am offering you a $40.00 discount off my DVD… until Monday, July 6, 2009.

Go here

When you click on the “ADD TO CART” button link you will be guided to the checkout page.

Enter “INDEPENDENCE” in the coupon box and click on “apply. The page will be updated to the $57.00 price and you are all set!

Happy Independence LIFE today and always!


PS. Claim your inner independence life today!

Manifesting in the Spiritual Grid

You live in an energetic universe that is unique to you.

You have the opportunity to form it, mold it, shape it any way you want when you claim your desires through your thoughts, pictures, actions, emotions and beliefs.

This creative Universe is what I call the “Spiritual Grid.”

The Spiritual Grid ManifestationTM technology I created works because of the nature of the universe. It is an electromagnetic grid that makes up the entire universe, including you and the earth.

This grid is why we feel “connected” to others, nature, etc.

Gregg Braden writes in Spontaneous Healing of Belief that all manifestations are a “wrinkle in the grid.” That includes every “thing”, situation, event and experience! Even you and I are wrinkles in the grid!

Think of it this way…

Each physical manifestation begins as pure energy as a thought or an idea. This energy transmutes into physical manifestation with focus such as additional thought, emotion and action.

The emotion that goes into the action will be a part of the manifestation so be sure that your focused energy is “pure POSITIVE energy.”

If you have been putting your attention on what you do not want then turn it around and focus on what you do want. Then get into the feeling of “I am so excited that I already have _______” and feel it in every cell of your body!

Embody your desire so deep inside your bones that you know it is done. You will be inspired to take action. Then allow it to manifest by trusting and letting go. Be happy and grateful for what is currently showing up in your life.


LoVeU !

PS. I have been hearing all your requests for more information!! 

Click here for your complimentary 1st 10 minutes of raw mp3 from my Spiritual Grid Manifestation™ DVD!

Your Body is Your Manifestation Tool

Ok I have said it!

Your Body is Your Manifestation Tool!

You heard it from me Wendy G Young, today, Feb 10, 2009.

What in the world are you talking about Wendy you might be asking?? Right?

Well several few years ago I had an inkling I was going to create “something.” I founded an ergonomic business in ’91 and until I sold it in 2008 I was shipping products all over the world and had consulted in many large corporations.  After some painful twists and turns in the corporate arena I began feeling something newer and bigger on the way…a more expanded version of me.

As this corporate upheaval in my life was taking place I immersed myself into a deeper practice of the Law of Attraction and realized that this technology I created is a blend of my 17 years of work as an ergonomist and my 25 years of the study and practice of spirituality and the Law of Attraction.  

One day when I was interviewed on a radio show I began referring to the term “Spiritual Ergonomics.” I said “What message do you want your posture to send to the world?” At the time I realized that this had something to do with the relationship between postures and emotion yet I still had no idea what the final outcome would be (LOL – Is there really ever a final outcome?)

Over a period of time I created a body of writing and exercises around this intriguing concept that had been brewing inside of me for years! Then in 2006 a technique began revealing itself to me. As I practiced and focused on this technique I continued to receive inspiration and information that refined the techniqie and explained how and why it works.

After discovering Ho’oponopono an ancient Hawaiian Healing Technique I created iLoveU Ho’oponopono™ out of inspiration. The iLoveU design on this page is the symbol of this technology and part of the overall system I call the Spiritual Grid™ Manifestation Technology™.

This Spiritual Grid™ Manifestation Technology™ is based upon these six (6) premises:

1.      The body is a manifestation tool. We manifested our body to be in this life. The universe works through us and co-created our body with us so that we can use it as a tool to co-create our Divine inspirations. This technology connects us to our body. 


2.      We co-created planet earth, the largest “physical” manifestation in our environment with the Divine to support us in manifesting our desires. Living on earth is a symbol of this necessary connection at this time. When we are fully connected to earth we are supported in achieving our desires more quickly. This technology connects and grounds us to the earth.


3.      There is a direct connection between our body posture and our emotions. If we stand tall with a sad face we feel ridiculous and if we hunch over and smile we also feel silly and incongruent. A key component of manifestation in LOA teachings is about being in emotional alignment. This technology aligns you physically and emotionally and creates congruency with the universe. Our message to the universe must be congruent to manifest our desires. This technology creates this congruence.


4.      There is an energetic grid. We are an extension of this grid or source. We are one with source and our good comes only from this source. We must know it in our bones that we are source. This technology creates a stronger connection to this source.


5.      We must embody our desire in a clear and focused way. This technology fully embodies our desires in various realms and energizes them to speed up manifestation.


6.      We must have supporting beliefs to manifest our desires. This technology helps clear negative energies that may be getting in the way and creates new postive beliefs and intentions.

I discussed this technology with Dr. Joe Vitale a few months ago as a participant in his Rolls Royce Mastermind. His comment to me in the first 20 minutes of our mastermind: ““Your approach of Using the Body As a Manifestation Tool is truly different and very unique.”

Yes! It is different. It shifts you from a place of doing to being. It speeds up the manifestation of your desires.

Recently on Meet the Press it was discussed that the economic stimulus package was designed to help boost confidence in the minds of the American people. True confidence comes from inside not from something outside of ourselves.

This technology is your inner confidence booster!

I will be presenting a LIVE workshop on Sat, Feb 21st. If you feel called to attend this live event then I welcome you! This is the first time this technology is being presented and the price is the lowest it will ever be!

To find out more register for the introductory audio up and to the right (directly under the picture of Dr. Joe Vitale and myself!)

Feel free to tell your friends…especially if they live in Houston or anywhere in Texas 🙂















Who are you BEING in your Perfect Place in Time?

This past weekend I was on my Facebook page and received an IM from the other side of the world from a man that thought I could help him. He had no idea it was 6:21am on Saturday morning and that I had practically just opened my sleepy eyes but I chatted with him for a bit.   

He told me that relationships are very difficult for him. I could feel his sadness. He told me that someone like me would not know anything like that. Yet I explained to him that I had been where he is now and with practice relationships have become much easier for me over the years.  Sometime though knowing a tool can make all the difference in the world.

It appeared that he was focusing on exactly what he did not want so of course that is going to bring him even more of what he does not want and more heartache. Without getting into all the implications of the Law of Attraction I suggested that he simply take some time that day and write down exactly what he wanted in a romantic relationship.  He said that he would do that so I could feel that he was open to hearing some advice.

Then I felt this intuitive zing to suggest that he begin loving himself more. I had no idea how he was going to react or respond to this as I know nothing about him. Yet I felt the nudge to mention this because if we desire someone to love us then we must love ourselves first.  We must BE that loving person we want to attract in our life.

His response….”I am going to take a bold step!” That is what he said. It did not take much time at all. He made a decision based upon a simple suggestion.

What a great way to start my day!

A few hours later I was in a conversation with a Twitter friend and the idea of beingness came up. She had mentioned that she would like to be in a continual place of being instead of the bouts of beingness that she currently experiences.

I told her that all was in perfect order and that those bouts of being are the perfect place for her to begin moving forward towards the place she wants to be…

And here is her response… “Everything is perfect for me to be in that state of beingness I want right now.”

Both of them are very fast learners! Yeah for them and yeah for the rest of the world!  The more we love ourselves and stay in that place of beingness the more we inspire those around us to take these same actions. It is the ripple effect.

This is a perfect time to practice as Barack Obama begins his term in office tomorrow. We are all in this together and it begins with ME!

What are some ways that you display love towards yourself?

Tell me about your bouts of beingness.

Look forward to your comments on my blog!


iLoveU !!



Wendy B Young

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