PATHWAY 6 OF 7: Celebrating YOU

It is time to celebrate who you are … period. Celebrate the fact that you are alive.

If you are here reading this email you have probably experienced some challenging times and you have made it this far. Be grateful and celebrate this now!

celebrating you


It is going to take some GROUNDING to do this work. Yes I know the picture does not indicate grounding but she did jump off the ground! 😉

Have you been riding high for a while and perhaps working long and hard hours? If so, there has probably been very little time to celebrate you because you have been so “on the go.”

Life has a way of slipping through our fingers. Create time for you by scheduling it in your calendar. Then stick to it. That is one way to get grounded.



1) Get out your journal and keep track of what to celebrate. There is so much around you in this moment to celebrate … in addition to the past.

2) Pay attention to the intricate details of your life experience – capture everything you can – celebrate these. Ask what is here to celebrate that you have not celebrated. What is calling out to you from your past?

3) Share a story about what is happening in your life. Share what you just did.

4) Be authentic and transparent with your community and allow yourself to take some spotlight in the world.

5) Take celebratory action. Jump up in the air, wave your hands, shout YES, plan a dinner party, play.

6) Grab some friends and ask for help with your celebrating. They will help raise your vibe and get the celebratory feeling in your cells. The deeper it is the easier it will be to celebrate you

Your celebration can be private too. In fact it is necessary to practice this because most of our celebration of ourselves is private anyway. You do not have to tell anyone unless you want to and when you do know that they are celebrating with you and raising your vibe.

Now go and Celebrate You!

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I specialize in helping people regain/rekindle their creativity. In-other-words, I teach/coach a process that will help you have courage, get you unstuck, and move you into your best creative life.


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Love and Light!


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