
PATHWAY 2 OF 7: Discovering What Has Been Buried and Forgotten

“Christmas Day 2010 – I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at a family member’s house and an argument had begun. I made a simple comment about sea salt – yes you heard me right! Someone interpreted my comment in a particular way and we had to take a break from the festivities and practically duke it out! Continue reading

Awaken The Artist Coloring Guide – Thoughts, Talking, Coloring, Videos, Creativity & Healing

I began a journey of adult coloring in 2005 when working through the emotional and financial challenges in my business. I purchased a few mandala coloring books and when they arrived I was excited to begin.

I then found it challenging to choose which symmetrical design to begin with and which colors to use and discovered this was a helpful exercise to practice mindfulness as I worked through my inner struggle with life situations.

As I colored my way through the intricate patterns I moved closer to the part of myself that had been calling for attention. Coloring was like massaging my soul. It softened my resistance and led me to my deeper calling of drawing and painting and to the creations of hundreds of designs, some of which you are about to color in this 2017 Inspirational Almanac.

Here is what I have learned from coloring over the years…

Coloring is a creative form of artful, self expression that heals us at a cellular level. It quiets and relaxes the mind and helps us develop and evolve our creativity. We begin with a structure (a drawing) to work from – choosing colors, blending, doodling – which enables us to connect to our courage and confidence.

Coloring is like food for the soul that enters our cells as positive frequencies clearing out creative blocks and reminding us of our truth. As we gain clarity and purpose we are able to hear our intuition and take inspired action.

Meditative coloring:

• Guides you into alignment with your truth, expanding your resourcefulness.

• Opens channels of creative solutions for life challenging situations.

• Connects you to deeper levels of your soul consciousness and callings.

I encourage the colorist to take time and connect to the details of the chosen drawing and choose colors that feel good. The depth of the engagement with our coloring corresponds to our deepening sense of who we are as infinite, creative beings.

As time went on I realized that coloring connected me to my creative self while dissolving fear and giving me something pleasureable to focus on. I was creating something colorful and beautiful that made me feel good and meditating on my finished piece helped me feel satisfied and complete.

So give it a try. Let your inner colorist out. And who knows. Coloring may lead you to Awaken The Artist in your heart like it did for me!

If you want to read more about coloring and watch my process pay attention to this blog for updates, videos and more about coloring!



Awaken The Artist 31 Day Coloring Festival

After many months of tiny baby steps in between taking care of my mother I am excited to serve. Tomorrow, April 10, 2015 is the first day of my Awaken The Artist 31 Day Coloring Festival.

I have found that our creativity needs a little help from our inner child. One of the first creative tools a child picks up is a crayon and blank paper or a coloring book. And when we are all grown up and find ourselves stuck from life’s numerous escapades the creative inner child is ready to step in.

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What Is Your Dream?

If your personal, magic genie entered your life today and said you would be granted a life living your biggest dream from childhood what would it be? Would you be ready to live your dream?

Go back to your youth and remember what you wished for.  Your dream is your gift and it lit you up.

For me it was art.

And perhaps like me you did not have the opportunity to play in your gift at that time. That is because NOW is the time. We are living in a beautiful time to reclaim our gifts and live more happily then ever before.

I worked to discover myself over the past several years having no idea where it was going to take me. I was searching for my happiness even though I was not aware of it. I just kept doing my inner work to feel good more often and it worked!

EPSON scanner imageLo and behold I discovered that Visual Art is one of my Divine Gifts and it is practically all I want to do.  I found a way to own my gift and it changed my life in so many ways.

And one of my other gifts is that I connect people to their Divine Gifts that have been hidden from view for decades. Now is the time in history to uncover those gifts, play and share with the world.

What is stopping you? When will you give yourself permission to connect to your gifts and live in your passion? Your gift is your ART. Yes, you are the artist of your life and you awake each day with a blank canvas. What is the art you are creating today? Everything is art. Look around. Look inside and tap into YOUR art!

Claim an inspiration session today and get started. Together we will create magic!

Love and Magic!

Signature Wendy White Background 72 dpi small 150x69





Mandala Drawing Ringside Flower Take 2

Ha! Well the perfectionist that lives inside of me attempted one more Ringside Flower Mandala drawing! Still not the same but perfect anyway. We creatives can just let go and create without worrying about getting it right. It is all right and perfect in this very moment. Play!

Mandala Drawing Ringside Flower

I am drawing one of the mandalas in my coloring book called “Ringside Flower.” As you will see the process is totally creative and I found it impossible to make it look EXACTLY like the one I originally drew! Enjoy and let me know how this video helps you!! xoxoxo Wendy

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