
PATHWAY 1 OF 7: Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves You.

“As soon as I saw the trapeze I knew I had to do it! I climbed to the top of the ladder and I was so scared I wanted to climb back down the stairs yet was told I had to step onto the platform. Then I was afraid to take the step from the platform at the same time I grabbed the handle because I knew there was no going back! After several minutes I finally took the step and Continue reading

PATHWAY 3 OF 7: Releasing What Has Been Stuck

“OMG. What is wrong with me I was wondering? I better put away my art and leave right now so that nobody sees me crying!”

… It was October 2011 and I was fully immersed with my artistry. I bought a brand new drawing pad, sharpened my pencils and started drawing. I sat for hours and hours at a local coffee shop and was having a grand time! I produced a half inch thick folder of art.  I took a few days off and realized I had no idea at all where my folder of art was!! Continue reading

PATHWAY 5 OF 7: Owning Your Creative Gifts

The processes of Letting Go, Discovering and Releasing takes you to the door of the room where your treasure box resides. After all these years you finally have access to your beautiful God given gems that you have been denying for so long.

You look inside and see the gem and reach in Continue reading

Three Reasons Art is Important

1. Creativity Expands as We Deepen our Art.

We use creativity in every area of life whether we realize it or not. We harness our creativity to find solutions to everyday problems that arise in our personal and business life. When we create art in some way, even when coloring (because that is creative too), we are opening up pathways in our brains that allow us to have access to our creativity. Continue reading

iLoVeU Month Days 12 and 13

Today I picked my mom at her memory care and took her out for a bit. It is never easy going there and I’m always praying she will be happy to see me. I was aware of feeling some grief right below the surface but it was stuck.

On the way home after taking my mom back I forced myself to feel those feelings. I suppose I pushed them to the surface so I could feel and release them. It was only for a couple of minutes yet I felt so much better. Writing, making art, exercising, resting and meditating all help in their own way. Continue reading

iLoVeU Month Days 7 – 10

Day 7

This iLoVeU was painted in May 2016 right before I started liquidating my mother’s house. It was nice to have a small amount of creativity playtime…still a bit more work to complete..






Day 8 – Only LOVE 💖









Day 9
It’s interesting how the names we give our art comes to be.
It’s also interesting how I’ve been choosing the order to post my art this month. It’s definitely not being done in a linear manner.
This is the iLoVeU Goddess. I drew her a couple of years ago.
She represents all.
She is colorful.
She is all woman.
She is voluptuous.
She is love.
She is a dancer.
She is courageous.
She is confident.
She is unique.
She is loved.
She is creative.
She is spontaneous.
She doesn’t give a fuck what people think about her.
I want to be more like her.
Hopefully I am her.










Day 10
This is a chalk drawing I created a while before moving out of my house. For some reason creating with chalk felt like cheating for me. I definitely did not feel like an artist and using chalk was giving the young, forgotten artist a playground. I suppose I did not see chalk as a medium that real artists would use. Anyway. I know I’m an artist and this is real art.










iLoVeU Month Day 2

Happy Groundhog Day! From the looks of it we are going to have another six weeks of winter. Then again, Houston, TX is more spring than winter.

OK, so it’s day 2 of iLoVeU Month. Today’s drawing is part of the collection I created in the first month of my mom’s dementia diagnosis.

The first two weeks of March 2014 my mother was in the hospital being observed and as much as I wanted to visit I was asked not to. Had I read between the lines of what was occurring with the family dynamics I would’ve gone and prevented a massive amount of drama.

IMG_20170202_141654Like “they” say c’est la vie. I trusted before listening to my intuition. Instead I allowed myself to feel grief, the grief knowing my mom was fearful about being put in the hospital and never going home again and the grief of seeing her unhappiness in the memory care she was rushed into.

While I grieved I drew. Sharing this story is reconnecting me to that grief. Yuck. Not what I was expecting.

Enjoy the art. I’ll be back tomorrow.



First Day of the Rest of My Life

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

178I have been practically absent from my business in a public way since June 2014 because I have been caring for my mother who was diagnosed with a moderate level of dementia. She requires help in many areas of her life including grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, doctor’s visits, bill paying and more. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be doing something like this.

Continue reading

Moving Through the Tough Stuff

Ever feel like it is one thing after another?! Life just keeps happening and sometimes there is no time for a breather?

These days many are experiencing a quickening in challenging life events. If you are one of them I totally feel you.

This has been my life for about 30 years. My twenties were turbulent and when I started on my healing path in 1989 things began to make some sense.

10 years ago began a new series of events and six years ago another big series and then many other since. And when I take a closer look I see that they are all very connected and

I have often wanted to write about them and the reality is that when things are happening so fast and with very little recovery time it can be easy to lose track. It is my intention to share more as I walk this path because I receive insights that help me and others. I know that by sharing my journey in the form of story and insight from the experience it is serving a larger whole.

Color jpg

So with that in mind….

A new series of events began the end of February.

I bought a new car out of the blue (fun and surprising mystical experience I still intend to write about!).

A couple of days later I was in the process of moving and I missed a step and sprained my foot and ankle … the worst sprain ever!

After looking for help I just had to walk on my foot, carrying boxes and pushing my way through.

My dog and I stayed in a hotel for several days and walking him was painful! I held onto cars and the side of the building and sometime sat on the curb. And it was cold and rainy and I was moving SLOW.

During this time I was in the process of selling my old car which took three days of non-stop work (driving from one side of the city to the other, trading cars and getting documents together) to make it happen. I really felt as though I was being tested.

I also felt as though I was pushing myself to the next level of inner growth. While that was nice to realize I was just tired and my sweet dog was getting confused over the continuing change from one car to the other.

I kept pushing through. I had no other choice.

Then after several weeks of testing my mother was moved into a lock-down unit of an assisted living home for dementia – very emotionally challenging.

It has been a challenging couple of months working towards acceptance of my mother’s health. All kinds of anger and grief has surfaced and keep working through it using my own processes and getting help from other energy healers

There is no other choice for me. What about you? What is your choice?

I’d love to hear.


PS. One hint to move through the rough stuff: Create Art!




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