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How Your Art Got Stuck & How To Get Into Your Artistic Flow

Since you are reading a blog about developing a new relationship with your creativity there is a good chance you are stuck right now. Either you have been completely stuck or you are ready to create from a deeper level of your being.

So here’s how you got stuck – a really simple idea.

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PATHWAY 1 OF 7: Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves You.

“As soon as I saw the trapeze I knew I had to do it! I climbed to the top of the ladder and I was so scared I wanted to climb back down the stairs yet was told I had to step onto the platform. Then I was afraid to take the step from the platform at the same time I grabbed the handle because I knew there was no going back! After several minutes I finally took the step and Continue reading

PATHWAY 3 OF 7: Releasing What Has Been Stuck

“OMG. What is wrong with me I was wondering? I better put away my art and leave right now so that nobody sees me crying!”

… It was October 2011 and I was fully immersed with my artistry. I bought a brand new drawing pad, sharpened my pencils and started drawing. I sat for hours and hours at a local coffee shop and was having a grand time! I produced a half inch thick folder of art.  I took a few days off and realized I had no idea at all where my folder of art was!! Continue reading

PATHWAY 4 OF 7: Honoring Your Accomplishments

And today we move into what I like to call the “FUN pathways!!”

I stumbled upon a process that created an instant shift for me. And when I say shift I mean that my head turned and I knew something very powerful had changed inside of me. Continue reading

PATHWAY 5 OF 7: Owning Your Creative Gifts

The processes of Letting Go, Discovering and Releasing takes you to the door of the room where your treasure box resides. After all these years you finally have access to your beautiful God given gems that you have been denying for so long.

You look inside and see the gem and reach in Continue reading

PATHWAY 6 OF 7: Celebrating YOU

It is time to celebrate who you are … period. Celebrate the fact that you are alive.

If you are here reading this email you have probably experienced some challenging times and you have made it this far. Be grateful and celebrate this now! Continue reading

Three Reasons Art is Important

1. Creativity Expands as We Deepen our Art.

We use creativity in every area of life whether we realize it or not. We harness our creativity to find solutions to everyday problems that arise in our personal and business life. When we create art in some way, even when coloring (because that is creative too), we are opening up pathways in our brains that allow us to have access to our creativity. Continue reading

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