
PATHWAY 1 OF 7: Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves You.

“As soon as I saw the trapeze I knew I had to do it! I climbed to the top of the ladder and I was so scared I wanted to climb back down the stairs yet was told I had to step onto the platform. Then I was afraid to take the step from the platform at the same time I grabbed the handle because I knew there was no going back! After several minutes I finally took the step and Continue reading

Divine Inspiration, this blog and me

I began this blog in December of 2008 about the time I was getting ready to create my Spiritual Grid Manifestation DVD and as much as I wanted to write more often I did not. As I reflect I realize that there was so much that I was not clear about at that time.

That is one of the gifts of time. It gives us great perspective.

As I have been shifting gears in how I help people shift into who they came here to be I am making a commitment to write more often here on this blog and in other ways.

I’ll be speaking about what I know best … Divine Inspiration.

Some of you may relate more if I tell you that connecting to your Divine Inspiration is about connecting to your Creativity!!

Creativity is what we are here for. We are each creating our lives in each and every moment whether we are aware of it or not!

Sometimes I will be sharing a story about something or someone that inspired me and how and why.

Other times I may tell you about an experience that I had during that day that is related to inspiration.

What I really look forward to sharing with you is how I live in my inspiration on a moment to moment basis just about everyday.

It could be about my spontaneous decision to take a walk, buy a cup of coffee at Whole Foods or scale a building … LOL …last night a friend of mine told me about the famous French Spiderman whom he met in person once!

You never know who you are going to see or what you are going to learn and how this will change your life or someone else’s life for the better.

I am ready to really stand for myself in what I came here to do. It has been a very long journey and I know there is so much more for me to learn and I look forward to learning with you.

If you like what I write and if it inspires you in anyway I would like to know. This further inspires me.

It has taken me a long time to align myself and my work with my true core gift … this ability to connect with this deeper part of me and live in inspiration.

You can live in inspiration too. As I look back to my childhood … that is decades! … I can see that I was always connected to this deeper part of myself and it is something that I have learned to develop over my lifetime.

This occurred with the practice of being in business and creating a multitude of tangible products and services. Sometimes they worked out really well and other times I fell flat on my you know what!

I learned from each of these experiences all in the expectation that I would serve others in the area of personal growth.

So I continue that now by helping to open you to your divine inspiration so that you may continue to create your life consciously whether you want to expand your business, change your career or job or want to be happier.

Maybe you just want to have more fun and more time to play! I know I do!

Let’s do it together!

Divine Inspiration is my passion. How can I serve you?

To Your Divine Inspiration!


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