Mandala Drawing Ringside Flower Take 2
Ha! Well the perfectionist that lives inside of me attempted one more Ringside Flower Mandala drawing! Still not the same but perfect anyway. We creatives can just let go and create without worrying about getting it right. It is all right and perfect in this very moment. Play!
I share an update about my recent move – the 3rd one this year – well technically I am not living in a particular place right now but I did manifest something really cool in the process. I speak about trust and being “home in the heart” – ok I did not say “heart” but I did touch my heart. Let me know how this inspires you! xoxox Wendy PS. I do believe this is an example of living very courageously!
Secret to Instant Manifestation
My friend and mentor Dr. Joe Vitale has a new book out called Instant Manifestation and I’m delighted to tell you about it!
Whether you’ve struggled with manifesting what you want, or have been pretty good at it so far, I have good news —
You can now learn the real secret to making the Law of Attraction work for you better and faster than ever, revealed by one of the acknowledged experts on the subject.
Dr. Joe Vitale’s latest book contains secrets and stories, insights and techniques that will transform your life.
They helped him rise from poverty to a life of the rich and famous.
He reveals all in — This amazing book reveals such topics as —
* How to Attract Anything
* The Sole Purpose of Money
* What To do When LOA Doesn’t Work
* Remembering Your Future Past
* How to Handle Disappointment
* The Red Flags Theory
* Scientific Evidence for LOA
* The Secret to Attracting Results
* The Woman Who Sang Past Fear
* Law of Attraction Mistakes
* Masterminding with Mark Twain
* Attract $175,000 Today – and more!
When you grab the book today, you will also gain access to a long list of juicy bonuses (including one from me!!) — which you’ll love.
Go see —
But remember, you have to get the book TODAY to grab all the extra bonuses.
PS — Please share this link with everyone you care about; post it on Facebook and Twitter and your blog, and mail it to friends. Let’s help everyone have better lives.
Here’s the link again —
Stepping Into My Divine Inspiration Niche
So here I sit on the edge of my seat … literally … and I am “listening.”
I’ve had inklings about my niche of “divine inspiration” for a while now. I launched a program in 2009 called “Birth Your Idea.” I was so scared about stepping into it that I did not market it for long. Then months later I had the idea of marketing a program called “Reconnecting to Your Genius” and through inspiration I created even more content.
But I never launched this program because I was too darned fearful. That was two programs guiding people to get in touch with their inspiration and creating and manifesting from that.
So my inspiration was guiding me to coach others how I do what I do this “thing” that I have always called my greatest gift and my biggest nemesis! For over two decades I have been saying this and it took this entire past year to accept it is time to share it with others!
I’ve been creating products … the physical “hold it in your hand” kind of products since the early nineties. I created an ergonomic product in 1992 to raise the computer monitor up to stop neck pain and a series of other products. It was 2003 when I first had the inspiration to write my ergonomics eBook and soon after began creating all kinds of audio products. And now a DVD and spiritual technologies. And art prints and t-shirts and more! It is PLAY for me!
I never really questioned this gift. I kept taking the logical actions to bring them to life when it was appropriate. My biggest challenge over the years was how to handle the CONSTANT flow of ideas to me. It happens time after time … while in the middle of one project the ideas start to flow about another one. So I have learned that I must capture this information as it is coming in otherwise it will just fly away!
At one point over 20 years ago it was so overwhelming to me that I asked the ideas to stop so that I could quiet my mind and they did. I did not know how to harness the energy of these ideas and it drove me nuts! A few years later they all came back and ever since I have been perfecting how I do what I do!
And it is not as if I can always just write the idea down real quick and be done with it. Sometimes it is an entire download and I just allow it to come in. That is how I have learned to honor my gift. It has taken me years and years … well decades … to learn how to discern what to work on.
There is not enough time in the day to take action on every idea that comes in. Many of my ideas are for others whether they have asked me for them or not and I only offer my ideas when I am guided to. So most often I just let it go. I have often joked about requiring a team to literally follow me around to record and organize all my notes and ideas and to take action on them as I have instructed.
When I have teams in place this discernment is even more important so the passion continues and we are productive and getting !
Over the years I have been told that I am always doing something new and exciting. I did not look at it that way. I was just doing my thing. Friends I have not seen in a while would want me to immediately fill them in. Just last year someone I knew over 20 years ago told me that he remembered this about me … and we did not even hang out … he was dating a friend!
That really made me think since I had been pondering the bigger picture for months. When I owned my ergonomic business it was obvious what my niche and purpose was. So that is when I started to take a closer look.
I hired Andrea Hess for a reading since that is one of her specialties. Almost immediately she told me that my niche is divine inspiration. Why was I was not surprised?!! Just I never thought about coaching others how to do this because it is so easy for me.
And that was the challenge all these months!! I kept asking myself “Who would want to hire me?” “Why would someone benefit from my coaching in this area.”
I did not necessarily actually ask these questions but these were the feelings, the sentiments I had. It has been very difficult to wrap my mind around this. As I began sharing with others they would say “You mean you can learn that” or “I wish I was inspired.”
It has taken a lot for me to get this far. It is a lot to step into sharing your gift with the world especially when the world could use a lot of divine inspiration. The fear that I have felt has been intense and at the same time difficult to put my hand on.
I did have the courage to develop a series last year called “Open to Divine Inspiration” and I loved creating it and presenting it.
And now I am so excited to announce that I am leading a 6 month coaching program starting in February called “Living in Divine Inspiration to Consciously Create Your Most Fulfilling Life with Passion, Joy and Ease.”
I chose a 6 month program to give everyone an opportunity to open and create. A lot can change in this amount of time. Just one inspiration and inspired action changes lives. This is how I have lived my life and where major portions of my income have come from in the last 20+ years.
And this can be learned. That is what “Living in Divine Inspiration” is all about. Look for an announcement for the free teleclasses I will be leading beginning next week. If you want to be on the list to attend this free teleclass series then register here –>
Love and Inspiration!
Inspired Action in Perfect Timing
I attended Baeth Davis’s Life Purpose Summit in Phoenix this past weekend. It was a last minute choice and I am in deep gratitude for how it all came together.
When I heard about it a couple of weeks before I felt the desire to attend deep inside my body. Instead of taking action to go I just kept seeing myself there and I knew that I would be there.
The best part was when I emailed a friend in Houston to tell her about it and the fact that there was a way she could go as my guest and we could then save money. She emailed back to say that she was already enrolled and had a friend that was splitting the cost of the event.
Then she offered that her boyfriend wanted to go and would be interested in splitting the cost of the ticket with me. As the event was getting closer he realized that he wanted to be there!
It is so interesting when this happens because it is an confirmation of listening to my intuition. Or was I simple feeling inspired?!
It seems like a combination of both.
The important point here is to listen and take action when you are guided.
Once I made the choice to go and said YES all the necessary doors were wide open to create the perfect adventure and I manifested many unexpected pleasures! That’s how the law of attraction works!
Love and Inspiration!
Instant Manifestation and Natural Dog Food
Here’s a fun little short story about an instant manifestation I experienced today.
Earlier I was walking through Whole Foods and noticed a small table with some dog food samples and I was told they are good enough for humans to eat.
Do you think I had a taste?! Ha! Perhaps I will tell you in a bit 🙂
I told the owners of Doggie Lunchies that I did not have a dog so did not need any dog food right now. Yet they smiled and I felt such a warmth from them that I was inspired to walk back to the table and tell them I would mention it to my friends that have dogs. And of course they were very appreciative.
Then I was off and less than 5 seconds later I saw my high school friend Jackie. She had been on my mind to call and meet for lunch so it was extra fun to see her.
I immediately told her about the dog food knowing she is a dog lover. She said that she was at Whole Foods to buy dog food! So we walked over to the sample table and had some laughs over this instant manifestation!
Seems like these instant manifestations are happening more and more these days.
Anyway, the dog food had all natural ingredients that one would see in “people” food. I watched the two owners taste the dog food and then my friends tasted it and said it was good. I thought that was really interesting!
Do you think I tasted it?!
Love and Inspiration!
Conscious Language and Sacred Body Language
This past Monday a friend forwarded an email about a Conscious Language and Sacred Body Language intro class that Robert Tennyson Stevens would be giving the following night.
I felt inspired and asked her if she has ever taken any classes from him and if so how did it help her. She answered back that it helped her become more conscious of her words.
The next day I was already making excuses to myself about why I might not be able to go. I let my body get dehydrated from being in the sun and not drinking enough water the previous few days. At the end of the day I called my friend and said I might not go and told her why.
She told me to drink some water and come. I saw that as spirit telling me to take this seriously. It is so easy to buy into what someone is telling you as true but she did not and I am very grateful for her response.
I did drink some water and then I googled Robert Stevens and the first thing I was led to was one small paragraph. After just browsing the first two sentences I knew I had to be there. It was that simple. I was really inspired now.
So I rushed to get there and I was late and that was ok. I just knew it was on purpose for me.
I was mesmerized by what he had to say. I’ve been immersed in the study and practice of work in the area of the body and mind for over 25 years and this work seemed to bring everything I have learned together.
It would be too much for me to try and explain here.
I was gifted with a wonderful coaching session at the front of the room by “Bob” because I was ready for it. He told us that if anyone in the room had any symptoms in their body he would be doing a demonstration later in his talk.
When he made that announcement I knew I was going to have that experience. I felt it in my entire being. When he said “now is the time for whoever was going to be coached to come to the front of the room.” I was out of my seat in a split second and made my way from the back.
He asked me what my symptom was and I told him it was “pain in my left hip.”
He asked me what I was not moving forward in my life with. After a few moments I told him that I had not been moving forward in the area of speaking. The entire time he watched my every movement … if I scratched my nose, put my hand on my chin, stayed frozen in my stance.
There were many movements he pointed out to me and the entire room. It was amazing! He was able to read what was going on with me just by watching my body language and movements! This is what he calls “Sacred Body Language” because he is working with each person’s higher truths. He facilitated my “upgrade” and kept reminding me to breathe! I felt changed at the end of the demo!
The next morning after I opened my eyes I rolled onto my left hip and the pain was gone from the that area. What a blessing!
I then registered for all of his classes for the rest of the week and I experienced many major “upgrades” and made new friends. At the end of the class yesterday I told him that I felt Source in my body in a new way. I had upgraded to feeling myself as Source. Thank you Bob!
If this sounds interesting at all to you I recommend you visit his website at The work is divine! It created miracles and manifestations! I witnessed several other instant physical healings!
And as Bob asked the class all weekend long when he was working with someone on a particular area “Vote His/Her Victory” …
When we vote victory for others from our heart we are in essence voting victory for ourselves!
I vote YOUR victory for success, happiness and health in your life!
Love and Inspiration!
Authenticity: A Simple Lesson
In 1991 I pioneered ergonomics and in 1996 I launched one of the first ergonomic product websites which I sold in 2008. I sold it because after 17 years in that business it was time to be authentic in a new area.
(Oh in case you are wondering, the ergonmics website I created is Tell them I said hello!)
I realize that a part of me always thought that to be fully authentic I had to do everything on my own. Of course that is not the case. Authenticity develops on the inside and only recently did I begin understand that on a more meaningful level.
Here’s how it happened.
Nine months ago I met someone on Twitter whom I had noticed before but chose not to follow her because something felt “off.”
Call it intuition.
Weeks later she followed me and her first communication to me was that I was wrong about something. Being my forgiving and sometimes naive self I followed her and let it go knowing we all have our own perceptions.
On one of our early phone calls an intriguing idea presented itself to us. She wanted to get started right away and I was still in the middle of producing my Spiritual Grid Manifestation DVD and told her I was definitely interested and would let her know when I was ready.
Deep down my intuition was speaking to me and I knew that I could not work with her while creating my DVD. Months later I wrote her and suggested we create that program. It just felt like the right time.
We began a series of phone calls and became much clearer about the series. Being the consummate businesswoman I am I suggested a written agreement and even though she ignored me I allowed myself to get deeper into the project and kept “giving in.”
After a short time I realized she saw me as her “admin” when she frequently ordered me to take actions at a moments notice! Again I suggested we create an agreement about responsibilities and again it was ignored. Yet I kept going because the project was still intriguing to me.
I kept doing everything she asked and then got creative and practiced some videos in the park to promote the series. That same weekend she began accusing me of not working and my response was to stop working!
Funny how the mind works. She proceeded to send me a series of accusatory emails and then I began experiencing excrutiating pain and landed in the emergency room and then I could not work! Her emails kept coming even though she knew I was not well for several days. She even told me she did not care I was sick!
That is when I got it! It was the final straw and I told her I did not want to play with her anymore. It just hurt too much.
That very same day I had a series of phone calls with other people and the theme that kept appearing was authenticity!
My first clues of a potential conflict came many months before.
Once I was able to recognize the truth I wrote a letter to the list we created and told everyone that in order to be authentic I had to exit.
Fortunately I also now understand the meaning of authenticity on a deeper level. My authenticity has nothing to do with doing everything on my own as I once thought.
My authenticity has everything to do with staying true to my core beliefs and principles and only allowing people in my life that are serving me. It also has to feel good! When I listen to and take action on my intuition I am being authentic. The experience itself served me well and once I was able to rise above it and receive the learning I was complete.
Authenticity is certainly the theme of the moment for me. What about you?
What areas of your life are causing you to ponder? What have you been putting up with?
Let me know how this has served you.
Well it is time to take action on my new inspirations! But first I think it is time for some dark chocolate. Now that’s being authentic!
iLoveU !
Spiritual Grid Manifestation DVD
In this video I explain what is on my Spiritual Grid Manifestation DVD.
Thanks for listening!
CREATE Your Life On Purpose!
Video: How Does the Spiritual Grid Help You Manifest?
Feel free to leave comments below! Wendy