Mandala Drawing Ringside Flower
I am drawing one of the mandalas in my coloring book called “Ringside Flower.” As you will see the process is totally creative and I found it impossible to make it look EXACTLY like the one I originally drew! Enjoy and let me know how this video helps you!! xoxoxo Wendy
MUSEum Inspiration
This past Saturday I chose to participate in free MUSEum day here in Houston. It was 8:20 in the morning and I was watching the local news talk about all the planned activities for the day and I was inspired because it sounded like something different and fun! Who couldn’t use some of that?!
So I was out of the door much earlier than normal so I could get a good parking spot for the day and hop on the 17 MUSEum bus tour! It was fun and felt like I was in a different city.
The first MUSEum I went to was giving out complimentary posters and I think I grabbed about eight. I was considering whether I was going to take one and it was suggested that I do since the artist passed away last year and the poster would be worth money. It was a poster of some boxes as you can see! The artist was Robert Rauschenberg.
What was really great is that I learned where all the MUSEums in Houston are, met some people, saw someone I knew and made some business contacts.
There was creativity all around me and lots of energy! It was a breath of fresh air and allowed me to relax and enjoy myself in expansive ways.
The best part about the day is that it inspired me! I was receiving all sorts of creative ideas about artwork, speaking and other programs for my business.
Part of the inspiration came from just letting go and playing and allowing inspiration to flow in. When I was looking at the artwork it gave me ideas for my artwork and I have already created three unique pieces of artwork that encompass my iLoveU design.
And then the BEST part of the day (for me!) was as I was leaving the bus to walk towards my car when I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt with the word museum on it. Except what I saw was the “MUSE” in museum and I thought “Yes, of course!”
MUSEums serve as muses for creative people and creative wannabees!
So if you want to be inspired go to a MUSEum. Walk around and take in the creativity and the beauty and the inspiration all around you.
It does not matter what you want to be inspired with. The MUSEum is a place to be inspired in every area of life and in every career.
If you are looking for a solution for a problem or challenge then sometimes the best thing you can do is let go, play, relax and let the inspiration come to you in perfect timing.
And since there is a “MUSE” in MUSEum that is is good place to start!
I’d love to hear from you!
Love and Inspiration!
Instant Manifestation and Natural Dog Food
Here’s a fun little short story about an instant manifestation I experienced today.
Earlier I was walking through Whole Foods and noticed a small table with some dog food samples and I was told they are good enough for humans to eat.
Do you think I had a taste?! Ha! Perhaps I will tell you in a bit 🙂
I told the owners of Doggie Lunchies that I did not have a dog so did not need any dog food right now. Yet they smiled and I felt such a warmth from them that I was inspired to walk back to the table and tell them I would mention it to my friends that have dogs. And of course they were very appreciative.
Then I was off and less than 5 seconds later I saw my high school friend Jackie. She had been on my mind to call and meet for lunch so it was extra fun to see her.
I immediately told her about the dog food knowing she is a dog lover. She said that she was at Whole Foods to buy dog food! So we walked over to the sample table and had some laughs over this instant manifestation!
Seems like these instant manifestations are happening more and more these days.
Anyway, the dog food had all natural ingredients that one would see in “people” food. I watched the two owners taste the dog food and then my friends tasted it and said it was good. I thought that was really interesting!
Do you think I tasted it?!
Love and Inspiration!
Conscious Language and Sacred Body Language
This past Monday a friend forwarded an email about a Conscious Language and Sacred Body Language intro class that Robert Tennyson Stevens would be giving the following night.
I felt inspired and asked her if she has ever taken any classes from him and if so how did it help her. She answered back that it helped her become more conscious of her words.
The next day I was already making excuses to myself about why I might not be able to go. I let my body get dehydrated from being in the sun and not drinking enough water the previous few days. At the end of the day I called my friend and said I might not go and told her why.
She told me to drink some water and come. I saw that as spirit telling me to take this seriously. It is so easy to buy into what someone is telling you as true but she did not and I am very grateful for her response.
I did drink some water and then I googled Robert Stevens and the first thing I was led to was one small paragraph. After just browsing the first two sentences I knew I had to be there. It was that simple. I was really inspired now.
So I rushed to get there and I was late and that was ok. I just knew it was on purpose for me.
I was mesmerized by what he had to say. I’ve been immersed in the study and practice of work in the area of the body and mind for over 25 years and this work seemed to bring everything I have learned together.
It would be too much for me to try and explain here.
I was gifted with a wonderful coaching session at the front of the room by “Bob” because I was ready for it. He told us that if anyone in the room had any symptoms in their body he would be doing a demonstration later in his talk.
When he made that announcement I knew I was going to have that experience. I felt it in my entire being. When he said “now is the time for whoever was going to be coached to come to the front of the room.” I was out of my seat in a split second and made my way from the back.
He asked me what my symptom was and I told him it was “pain in my left hip.”
He asked me what I was not moving forward in my life with. After a few moments I told him that I had not been moving forward in the area of speaking. The entire time he watched my every movement … if I scratched my nose, put my hand on my chin, stayed frozen in my stance.
There were many movements he pointed out to me and the entire room. It was amazing! He was able to read what was going on with me just by watching my body language and movements! This is what he calls “Sacred Body Language” because he is working with each person’s higher truths. He facilitated my “upgrade” and kept reminding me to breathe! I felt changed at the end of the demo!
The next morning after I opened my eyes I rolled onto my left hip and the pain was gone from the that area. What a blessing!
I then registered for all of his classes for the rest of the week and I experienced many major “upgrades” and made new friends. At the end of the class yesterday I told him that I felt Source in my body in a new way. I had upgraded to feeling myself as Source. Thank you Bob!
If this sounds interesting at all to you I recommend you visit his website at The work is divine! It created miracles and manifestations! I witnessed several other instant physical healings!
And as Bob asked the class all weekend long when he was working with someone on a particular area “Vote His/Her Victory” …
When we vote victory for others from our heart we are in essence voting victory for ourselves!
I vote YOUR victory for success, happiness and health in your life!
Love and Inspiration!