Drawing a Mandala with My Thin Red Marker
Created inside Whole Foods Market while eating a snack! On a whim I recorded what I always do wherever and whenever – I DRAW!
Visit my Facebook Awaken The Artist page, like it and post your art too!
MUSEum Inspiration
This past Saturday I chose to participate in free MUSEum day here in Houston. It was 8:20 in the morning and I was watching the local news talk about all the planned activities for the day and I was inspired because it sounded like something different and fun! Who couldn’t use some of that?!
So I was out of the door much earlier than normal so I could get a good parking spot for the day and hop on the 17 MUSEum bus tour! It was fun and felt like I was in a different city.
The first MUSEum I went to was giving out complimentary posters and I think I grabbed about eight. I was considering whether I was going to take one and it was suggested that I do since the artist passed away last year and the poster would be worth money. It was a poster of some boxes as you can see! The artist was Robert Rauschenberg.
What was really great is that I learned where all the MUSEums in Houston are, met some people, saw someone I knew and made some business contacts.
There was creativity all around me and lots of energy! It was a breath of fresh air and allowed me to relax and enjoy myself in expansive ways.
The best part about the day is that it inspired me! I was receiving all sorts of creative ideas about artwork, speaking and other programs for my business.
Part of the inspiration came from just letting go and playing and allowing inspiration to flow in. When I was looking at the artwork it gave me ideas for my artwork and I have already created three unique pieces of artwork that encompass my iLoveU design.
And then the BEST part of the day (for me!) was as I was leaving the bus to walk towards my car when I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt with the word museum on it. Except what I saw was the “MUSE” in museum and I thought “Yes, of course!”
MUSEums serve as muses for creative people and creative wannabees!
So if you want to be inspired go to a MUSEum. Walk around and take in the creativity and the beauty and the inspiration all around you.
It does not matter what you want to be inspired with. The MUSEum is a place to be inspired in every area of life and in every career.
If you are looking for a solution for a problem or challenge then sometimes the best thing you can do is let go, play, relax and let the inspiration come to you in perfect timing.
And since there is a “MUSE” in MUSEum that is is good place to start!
I’d love to hear from you!
Love and Inspiration!
Forgiveness is a Blessing
Forgiveness is a blessing to the forgiver and the person being forgiven. Sometimes it is the same person. In other words we can choose to forgive ourselves from behaviors we have judged ourselves for.
Saturday was Yom Kippor the holiest day on the Jewish calendar (lunar calendar).
In honor of this “Day of Atonement” I focused on forgiveness and what it meant to me.
Forgiveness really is all about ourselves. The more we can let go the more we can move on and fully embrace our lives. If we are not forgiving then the person it affects the most is us.
I wrote a few pages of things to forgive myself for and as I wrote them I could feel a release inside of me … a healing.
Here are just a few of the things I have noticed about myself over the years and have chosen to forgive myself for:
Rushing and making it just in time
Not fully taking in the moment
Preaching my ideas to those that do not care…i.e…family 🙂
Eating too fast
Not trusting in myself
Playing and thinking small
Not speaking up
Constricting instead of expanding (I just breathed very deeply – confirmation!)
Holding my breath
Not feeling worthy
Not seeing Source inside myself
Working too hard
Well that’s 12 and I can assure you there are many more.
I am going to keep writing. There is so much!! Perhaps I can inspire you to write along with me?!
I am in gratitude and appreciation for you.
Love and Inspiration!
Childrens’ Playground Paradise
The other night I found myself mildly out of sorts about something. I say mildly because it did not keep me awake.
Yet it was still on my mind yesterday when I woke up. I had a lot of writing to do so I chose to first grab a cup of coffee at Whole Foods. I took along my spiral and my pen and for almost three hours I wrote. I’m writing my signature speech … my life story and I have to tell you it is flowing right out of me!
On the way home I suddenly had this urge to be outside and I thought of a particular park that is in my general neighborhood but across the bayou in another section.
I made my way over there and drove all around the park to choose the best place.
Then I left my Blackberry in the car … something I rarely do, if ever and I hiked to the childrens’ playground. Since the sun was shining brightly I chose to climb up and into one of the covered areas and I sat there just relaxing.
It was so nice to be quiet and still outside in nature in the middle of the day!
I closed my eyes, breathed deeply and looked for the light in the distance. It takes practice to find the light. Once you can find that light focus on it and then bring it closer to you. It will help you focus in your daily life.
I began staring at the grid structure in front of me and at times it seemed as though it was somewhere else instead of right in front of me. It was an illusion and it felt as if I was somewhere else at times. And I felt like I was in a trance when I really focused on that grid structure.
Finally I put my jacket under my neck as I stared upward, soaked in the heat from the sun and listened to the locusts (the sounds of the physical universe!) as they were singing!
All of this allowed me to relax. I cannot control anybody in my world. The only person that I can work on is me. And the only way that I can do that is to be living fully in the present and nurturing my spirit.
And that is what I did yesterday.
What are you going to do today that will nurture your spirit? Perhaps you can choose one simple thing to nurture your spirit everyday.
Love and Inspiration!
Swimming Keeps Me Connected to Source
I’ve been swimming several times per week since the beginning of the summer and have been noticing that I feel more connected to Source when I am in the water.
Since breathing during swimming is very conscious I notice a deeper connection to Source every time I take a breath. As I look up at the cosmos and see the sun I make a conscious connection several times while I am swimming laps.
Last weekend I had a session with a shaman for the first time and told her about my swimming experience and she told me that when we are in the water it is the closest thing to source. I thought that was pretty terrific to hear!
For a while my connection to Source was more conscious and intellectual than in the cells of my body or “in my bones.”
And I am sure there is still much of the conscious and intellectual connection with Source but in the past 10 days there has been a huge shift inside of me and I can feel Source in my body on much deeper level.
This deeper connection can occur for anyone. It takes a lot of conscious conversation with self, practice connecting to the cosmos, perhaps some coaching and classes and a whole lot more of things I have experienced personally and much that I have not experienced.
It takes commitment to be connected. Some will feel the connection faster and others will take much longer.
For me it has taken a lifetime it seems … well over two decades to be where I am. And I know that there is so much more to be connected to.
I will keep going for it is my nature to continue to grow personally. The more we can insert concepts into our body and mind and place our attention on them the more we will become connected deep within.
Lights begin to turn on inside … a little bit here and a little bit there … until the entire room is lit up.
I am feeling myself all lit up.
I am feeling myself being all lit up.
I am feeling myself being my light.
I am light.
I am.
I am that I am.
Love and Inspiration,
Breathe…If You Think You Can’t…
If you think you can’t…..
If you think you cannot make it another day or another month
If you are wondering how to pay the mortgage or rent
If you think you cannot heal
If life seems difficult
If you do not feel happy
If there seems to be no time to play and enjoy life
If you feel that you have been wronged in some way
If you think that you will lose it all
If you have fear running through your body
Because breathing brings you into the present
Away from the issues of the past
And away from the fears of the future
The only moment you have is right now
To create…
So continue to breathe in the energy of the universe
To keep you focused in the present
And to fuel your desires and inspired actions
And to stay calm and centered in the now.