
Writing How Do YOU Do It?

Over weekend I took several hours to get some writing completed that I have been wanting to do for several weeks.

I started writing a few times and was never able to make the kind of progress I was desiring.

What was different for me this time?

One, maybe two things…

First, I am a different person than I was several weeks ago. Actually I am a different person than I was when I woke up this morning!

So there is a different energy inside of me that supports me in completing all the tasks at hand.

What was really different for me is that my laptop decided to go to sleep and over the weekend I did not feel like sitting in my home office at my computer.

I get stir crazy sometimes! So I grabbed a stack of paper and drove to Whole Foods (did I mention I love it there?!).

I had all my notes from the 4 part audio series I created recently and I took out a piece of paper and I started writing. To my amazement the words just flowed out of me and before I knew it I had completed five separate marketing letters.

Sure … maybe it was because I was finally ready to knock these letters out but I think it is something much simpler than that!

I was holding a pen in my hand and writing the old fashioned way! Pen to paper writing! What a concept!

If I ever had any blocks with inspiration it is when I am writing marketing copy! So my laptop deciding to take a siesta and leading me to be inspired to simply write by hand was the best thing that could’ve happened.

In a way you can call it “downstream” writing for those of you who follow Abraham! For me it was the path of least resistance!

When I thought about it later I realized that holding the pen in my hand brought out my creativity. It allowed me to be inspired while I write because when I was a child I wrote with my bare hands too!

So I moved past a major stuck point to complete this writing because I listened to inspiration and I took immediate action!

Of course now I am getting ready to type my notes and then there will be some editing but I am much further than I would have been.

Maybe next time I will be inspired how to write just as quickly while I type!

And it sure would be great to have a working laptop again!

Love and Inspiration!


I Love Mondays Because I Raise My Vibration Higher!

Since it is Monday I decided it was time to finally post this fun video “I Love Mondays!”

In January I attended the Attract Wealth Seminar created by Joe Vitale and Mark Ryan. The weekend was great and it was wonderful to connect with so many like minds…many whom I had already met at previous weekends and others whom I met for the first time.

The Monday after I went to Wimberley to Bill Hibbler’s house with my friends Twenty Twenty and Carol Wingert plus Bruce Muzik and a former Miss America! The day turned into magic as we began jumping on the trampoline. Every time I watch this it is like I am there and it raises my vibration higher.

What can you do right now to raise your vibration?

Well you can watch this video! 🙂


Now that you have watched this video you can embody the energy of your desires and wave your hands in the air whether you have a a trampoline or not!

Remember manifestation is all about raising your vibration to a higher place. From this place you CAN attact your desires even better than you could have imagined!

Just one week ago I was back in Wimberley jumping on the same trampoline and helping others raise their vibration using a process I created.  One of these days I will be posting some information about this too!

Have a great day!

iLoVeU !


Trust The Universe It Sees The Big Picture

Last Tuesday, May 19th to be exact  I launched my Spiritual Grid Manifestation DVD and it was exactly one year to the day that I sold my previous business. I tried to launch on May 1st because that was my 25th anniversary of being in business. Then I tried to launch on May 10 because that was a big, marker birthday for me.

I was trying to make it happen on one of those days because I thought it would be good to launch on an auspicious day. And it would be!

Only the universe knows what is best and I have always learned to trust. What if everyday was auspicious and we did not feel the need to make it happen the way we think it should or the way others think.

I just decided to let go and when I did the universe stepped in and took over. That is what the universe is here for. It sees the big picture. When we hold onto the way we think our life has to happen we limit ourselves.

In fact I was planning on telling the entire world that day about my launch. I have all sorts of emails lists all over the place and was going to sit in my chair for hours just announcing to everyone what I had just accomplished.

Then my marketing consultant Susan Rosenthal called me and wanted to know how I was going to celebrate. I told her that I did not have any thoughts or plans to celebrate at all.

She suggested that I take the time to celebrate what I had just accomplished. Susan told me that most people do not make it as far as I have. I mean I sold a business a year before and now I had created my first physical product, my life’s work to help others create the kind of lived they have only dreamed about until now.

She suggested that I take time off that day and go to the woods and thank the universe for what it has given to me. She said that the universe gave me this technology to practice and refine over several years and now it was time to say thank you. Susan also suggested that ask the universe what else it wants from me and that I ask how it wants me to market the DVD. Since the universe gave me the technology it will also give me the marketing plan.

Yes! I get that!

It was perfect because I had filmed part of the DVD in the woods! So that is where I went.

I decided to hike in the trails and this was the first time that I hiked on my own. At first I felt scared. I was afraid to begin the trail because I was afraid I would not be able to find my way out. A few tears even begain shedding and that was so interesting to me.

Being the spiritual person I am I seem to always look at the meaning of everything that I am doing and how it all relates.

So what I saw was that this hike in the woods was a metaphor for my launch. I had never hiked the trails on my own and I had never created and launched a DVD on my own!

There were so many twists and turns in the woods. Do I go this way or that way I kept asking myself. I wondered if I would really be able to find my out safely. As I walked deeper and deeper into the woods and at some point I just let go. It trusted. I realized that I would find my way out of there one way or another.

I realized that I would find my way in the marketing of my new DVD and the creation and production of other products! In fact, when I gave Dr. Joe Vitale  a copy of my DVD the other day in Wimberley he gave me an idea for a series of DVD’s!

And this morning on my walk around the park I had another idea. So yes I will always find my way.

And even though I was not sure how to find my way out of the trails on my own when I was really ready I asked a few cute men on their bikes and they simply showed me the way 🙂

So trust the process. Trust in the universe. There will always be someone there to guide you!

iLoveU !


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