Being Vulnerable About My 25 Year Healing Journey

We are still in the newness of 2014 and I wonder how everything is going for you and what new choices and actions are calling you…

ME: I am being guided to face what I’ve been resisting.

I attempted to share something for the past several years and each time I lost my nerve. This past Saturday morning something shifted and after staring at my video camera for several hours I found my courage. About midway through I felt a new sparkle of happiness move through me and I knew I made the right choice. I share something so vulnerable and that has been the driving force of my existence since 1989.

If you’ve been on a challenging path and in need of healing I invite you to watch and to share with anyone you feel could benefit.

I appreciate you and I love you.

PS. A few times during the video I tried getting my dog to stop scratching because I thought it was interfering with the video (it wasn’t) so please excuse me for that…

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