Day 27 – Saying YES to HUMOR

I have a quick wit and I joke around a lot. In fact I have been know to ham it up at times. I started noticing my sense of humor about 30 years ago when I called on my customers. It just felt good to make others laugh (I love to crack them up!) and they loved it. Most of all I liked to laugh. Later I realized that a big part of it was me trying to cover up the sadness. I think I was uncomfortable being me back then. Actually I didn’t even know who “me” was and laughing was a way to avoid knowing. It was a way I could pretend to feel safe being with others. I still joke around a lot and people still tease me and I still take it well. Yet now I know myself and I can choose how I prefer to show up in the world. I choose to experience daily belly laughs just for the fun of it. And because it feels so damn good!

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