In the 80’s I filled up my pink spiral with all kinds of ideas for workshops. I filled up another pink spiral with spiritual poems. This was at a time when I was living in very dark days. At that time I did not even know why. It would be a few years before I would connect to the work that was necessary for me to do to heal from my past. I still have those spirals somewhere in storage with the covers torn off and the pages ripped and falling out. Those spirals were connecting me to the work I would be doing in the world. They gave me a place to imagine and to play in my inspiration. At the time I had no idea just how connected I was to who I am and the spiritual realm. It was more of an unconscious connection back then. So beautiful and innocent. I like to think that it is still the same with all that has occurred in my life since that time. I have been a BADASS in my healing journey. I have not left any stone unturned. As I look back it takes my breath away … all the inner work I have allowed myself to step into. And the money I invested in myself. I am so grateful I was blessed with my ergonomic business for 17 years because it allowed me to really dive in and do the work with amazing healers. The inner work I did on myself helps me in profound ways when I am facilitating healing for others. One of these days I will pull out those spirals again and see what resonates with the work I am dong today.

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