iLoVeU Month Day 3 – iLoVeU Sun

As I sat on the couch for hours on end I drew with my markers. I prayed for an easy and peaceful resolution for my mom and her care using the Ho’oponopono healing technique.

I repeated this mantra over and over:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

I had no idea where it would lead but it had helped me so many times over the years.

As I repeated these words I drew my mystical iLoVeU and I soothed myself as best as I could. I was building an inner pathway to let the light in. I look forward to sharing more about my iLoVeU design.


Who would’ve ever thought I’d be calling myself an artist and blogging about a symbol that came to me in a magical and mysterious way? Definitely not me!

Thankfully I’m all grown up now … or am I? 🙂

See you tomorrow!



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