
 Spiritual Grid Manifestation™

Where you will discover how to:


Engage your
HEART and your
BODY as a manifesting tool
to accelerate manifestation

Align physically AND emotionally
to the highest vibration of your desire

Create positive change in your life with
Earth’s manifesting and grounding energies

Re-ignite your innate courage, trust, confidence and faith
as you let go and ALLOW your desires to arrive

Open your channel to the divine to receive
and manifest inspired ideas and actions

Feel Empowered!



Interested? I thought so!

 Dear Conscious Creator,

Hi! I’m Wendy G Young!

Why would a  former Computer Programmer with a BA Degree and a Corporate Ergonomic Consultant would put up a “gone fishing” sign on her website?

If you are curious then I have a true story to tell you.

Spiritual Grid Manifestation Technology was launched on DVD in May 2009. Several additional technologies were introduced that year via teleclasses and audio programs. It took almost 20 years to follow the initial inner calling that lead to the creation of the core technology, the Yahmit Posture Technique and these additional technologies.

This all began August of 1987 at a Tony Robbins weekend where my life instantly changed when Tony dramatically demonstrated the relationship between our emotions and postures.

I learned that our emotions are hardwired in the postures of our body and that when we embrace these concepts we instantly change our State of Being and purposefully create the life we desire.

I was mesmerized because it was simply mysterious. A few years later I was introduced to ergonomics … a field I never heard of “found me” and I was once again captivated. Ergonomics is an industry all about the body, emotions and productivity!

After years of study and real world practice in the Fortune 100 business environment I earned an Associate Ergonomist Certificate and personally coached well over 1000 individuals in these corporations about the importance of staying present in their bodies so that they could stay in physical alignment and work in comfort and prevent back, neck and wrist pain … and be productive and profitable. Being in physical alignment would create a better chance they would be in emotional alignment as well.

It really started to get interesting when I noticed the correlation between pain in their body and the emotional and sometimes financial issues they were having.

One day I ran across one of the original ergonomic manuals written by the “Father of Ergonomics”, Alphonse Chapanis where he noted the correlation between lower back pain and financial issues.

Even Louise Hays relates lower back pain to financial issues in You Can Heal Your Life!

I was starting to make sense that I had been called into the ergonomic business after my initial experience with Tony Robbins a few years earlier. Divine had a plan for me!

It was important for me to learn and teach myself and others the importance of staying centered and present in the body no matter what negative emotions are being felt or what work needed to be done.

Ergonomics is the business about keeping people pain & stress free… happy and productive … creative and profitable…and at the core its about the relationship with our self and others!

Each of these are core spiritual concepts in Law of Attraction teachings!

As I prospered as a pioneer in the ergonomic business I repeatedly recalled my Tony Robbins experience.

I had been intellectualizing spiritual concepts for years and shortly after this weekend I awakened to my “spiritual beingness.” As time went on I immersed myself into deeper practice and understanding of how the law of attraction influenced my life according to my postures, thoughts, emotions and actions.

At some point I began “receiving” information about a technique that used the body in unique ways … well beyond visualization … to help individuals manifest their desires. Even though I called myself an “idea person” the original ideas were vague but as I practiced the technique I eventually trusted myself. I noticed that when I placed my attention on this “technique” through conscious practice it refined itself through new ideas and visuals.  

One night before I went to sleep I asked the universe for a name and in the morning I woke up with “Yahmit.” That made sense because in the Hebrew texts “Yah” is defined as “God” … so depending on what you call your higher power “Yahmit” translates to “Meet” …Universe, God, Divine, Source, etc.

 It kept getting more interesting! The technique was some sort of “formula” where the body would become a “manifestation tool.”

Even for a “woo woo” person like me it just seemed too “out there” and I could not get a handle how to explain it!

Then one week in 2007 two people authentically shared a challenge they were having and I felt the courage to lead them through the technique and to my delight BOTH of them called me within hours to inform me of their “miraculous” manifestations!

“Wendy guided me through her technique one evening during our mastermind call after I told her about my frustration about not being able to enroll my son in a particular private school. After we were done I felt so incredibly relaxed and peaceful. The very next morning I received a call from the school I had been on pins and needles waiting to hear from and they told me that there was a space for my son! Needless to say I was ecstatic. What it seems like to me is that the technique does something very unique to speed up the process of manifestation. If you have the opportunity to play with Wendy you are very fortunate!”
Sheila (last name deleted for privacy)

“Wendy led me through her manifestation technique and I was blown away. I had visualized acquiring a new client during the technique. Shortly afterward I had a meeting with a woman who asked me how she could engage me as her coach. What was so surprising to me is that the reason we were meeting had nothing at all to do with being her coach. All I can say is that Wendy’s technique works!”
Patty Walters

I am sure you can understand how that bolstered my courage and several months later I chose to close my business and pursue my calling and put up a message on my website that said “Gone Fishing!” Really! I felt completely at ease and trust in the universe even though I had no idea how I was going to pay my bills.

My deep faith and trust came from my almost daily practice of the Yahmit Posture Technique.

But the universe had something else in store for me. That weekend I was inspired to sell my ergonomic business and it sold within 90 days for four times what I originally listed it for!

I then researched and contemplated my next steps and while on vacation I “accidentally” discovered Greg Braden’s book Spontaneous Healing of Belief and I was awestruck to discover him discussing the divine matrix (the energy Source) that exists in all matter and in the space between you and me. This energetic space can be formed into a physical manifestation with thought, emotion and action and actually has an “address” in the universe. This energetic space is the same “intelligence” that Wallace D. Wattles wrote about in Science of Getting Rich.

If this is getting as interesting to you as it was for me then keep reading!

There was now evidence that supported my “vision of the grid” and how and why the Yahmit Posture Technique worked!

Two years earlier I stood in my living room and “demanded” the universe tell me how “Ergonomics and Physical Alignment” correlates to the “Law of Attraction and Emotional Alignment” and it “showed” me the energetic lines (the grid) in the universe. I could see the energetic grid lines in my body and how these grid lines connect us to each other. I kept this information to myself because I did not know who to talk to about it and did not know where to get more information. So Greg Braden’s book awakened more of my courage to keep going.

I had been pondering the idea of “Spiritual Ergonomics” for years and then it finally started making sense.

When the physical and emotional alignments can be aligned together to manifest a desire into the physical then we really have an extraordinary manifesting tool!

When the body is out of alignment it is communicating a limited State of Being or consciousness (no congruency). Tony Robbins spoke about this in his book, Unlimited Power in 1987 and at the weekend I attended that year.

Experience this for yourself. Practice these steps now!

Step #1
Stand tall like you are on top of the world with your hands and arms stretched high into the air. Now try to make a sad face. Just try. It feels silly doesn’t it?

Step # 2
Shake that off and allow your shoulders to hunch down. Now give me a great big smile. It feels silly again, right?

Again that is because our postures are hardwired to our emotions! So it is possible that through our postures we are communicating something to the universe we do not intend.

If you are interested in knowing how powerful your BODY is in the manifesting process then keep reading!

When the body is not in physical alignment oxygen flow is restricted and this causes pain and fatigue. Divine energy flow, inspiration, thinking capabilities, brainstorming, actions & behaviors are all affected. As an ergonomist I coached my clients to rest their bodies at specific intervals throughout the day and breathe deeply and allow the oxygen to move freely through the body. This increased their general well-being and productivity. It also gave them the ability to receive new inspirations for the challenges they were experiencing in their tasks. This allowed them to work in their “genius” zones.

Law of Attraction teachers suggest we adopt these same type of work and lifestyle behaviors so that we can create with passion and inspiration and then let go and have fun and recharge our batteries. We must feel good physically and emotionally and each affects the other.

In order to be inspired with ideas to create our offerings, know our next action steps in business and to manifest our desires with speed we must be at our best.

We must be in 100% alignment for what we choose to experience in our life … PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL ALIGNMENT

This is where the Yahmit Posture Technique becomes so powerful.

When practicing the Yahmit Posture Technique from 68 seconds to several minutes the body is in the “Prosperity Posture” stance with full physical alignment … while the mind is engaged in a series of processes, visualizations, embodiment and pure conscious thought … all focused on the desire … this is 100% + emotional alignment of the desire.

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Here is what Abraham says about pure conscious attention and embodiment of our desire:

17 seconds is worth 2,000 man hours (about a year at 40 hours per week of action taken)
34 seconds is worth 20,000 man hours (or about 10 years…)
51 seconds is worth 200,000 man hours (or about 100 years…)
68 seconds is worth 2,000,000 man hours (or about 1000 years…)

According to the law of attraction when we hold this pure state for as little as 17 seconds we have actually “created” our desire and we then must ALLOW it to manifest.

So the potential for positive results with regular practice of the Yahmit Posture Technique is exponential because the series of processes keep you in the highest vibration of your desire for up to several minutes!

Practicing this technique has the potential to neutralizes non-congruent messages to the universe especially when practiced 2 -3 times per day! It is like “yoga practice for manifestation!”

You will be totally engaging your body, emotions, consciousness and the universe in a “formula” as it shifts and blends your consciousness to create a new and higher consciousness. This is a pure “state of congruency” that the law of attraction is responding to!

Still grasping how the Law of Attraction works? Read the next paragraph

When we as individuals focus our attention on someone marketing to us in person we are consciously and unconsciously noticing whether their posture and emotion are congruent. Research shows that 50-80% of communication is non-verbal body language. If the body language does not match the words we will feel something is off. We may not be aware of it but we will not trust them at some level.

The universe is doing the same thing via the law of attraction. The universe is responding to our “congruency level” … the percentage that our emotions, posture and actions match. We must be congruent with ALL of our communications to be in the highest state of congruency.

When the universe feels our congruence it “delivers the goods” via other people in the form of clients, opportunity, experiences and money! The degree to which we receive what we actually desired is equal to our level of congruency.

Sometimes it was challenging for my clients to slow down and take care of themselves because they were so focused on the work…the production…the money but this is when they got hurt.

Focusing on the body first will do more for the money and the manifestation of your desires than the work. It is all about being present in the body and about who we are being in our body. It is about our postures and our emotions being in alignment together! It is about consciousness!

Click Here to Order Spiritual Grid Manifestation

Here is the original information about the spiritual technologies on the DVD and how they will benefit you.


 Spiritual Grid ManifestationTM creates your life on purpose by employing three proprietary advanced technologies and one ancient spiritual practice.

  • The Yahmit Posture TechniqueTM connects you and aligns your body’s energetic spiritual grid with the electromagnetic grid of Source.Your body is innovatively utilized as a “manifestation tool” as it embodies your desire on an energetic level and non-verbally communicates your desire to the universe. The technique raises your energetic vibration through its various processes. The higher the vibration and the clearer the message to the universe the easier it is for the manifestation to occur. You will be guided through three (3) distinctly different Yahmit Posture TechniqueTM processes.
  • Hawaiian Ho’oponopono removes blocks and reprograms your subconscious mind. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice requiring you to take 100% responsibility for co-creating situations and experiences in your life. Internal blocks are cleared with regular practice of Ho’oponopono. Learn the simple way to practice Ho’oponopono. In many instances you will feel better immediately as the Divine is working in the background erasing blocks and opening you to inspiration.
  • iLoveU Ho’oponoponoTM clears your chakras, raises your energetic vibration, and magnetizes your desires with love. iLoveU Ho’oponopono is a Divinely inspired form of the ancient spiritual practice and its role in this technology is to align the desires with the heart. This is important because the heart is the strongest magnetic field of the body and with alignment the magnetic energy of the desire increases. The DVD includes several specific techniques on how to clear blocks and align and magnetize desires. At the end of this section the iLoveU energy is integrated in the 2nd guided Yahmit Posture TechniqueTM.
  • Spiritual Grid MarketingTM (MAP) clarifies your direction and focuses you in co-creating with Source.  Once you are crystal clear about your desires the Universal energy you are connecting to in the Yahmit Posture TechniqueTM becomes your partner and fuel in creating your manifestations. There are various pieces of the plan that you will identify and focus on to increase your energetic vibration and further align with your desire. At the end of this section the iLoveU and MAP energy are integrated in the 3rd guided Yahmit Posture TechniqueTM

The DVD leads you through each one of these sections that build upon each other as you powerfully embody the energy of your desire and co-create with the earth and all of Source!  

And the more you practice the processes while focusing on what you desire the more your body remembers how to do this on its own because it changes you on a cellular level.

In case you are wondering why this is important to your manifestation skills it is because you are in essence Programming Your Body to be a Manifestation tool! Just as physical muscles become stronger and can carry more weight our energetic manifestation muscles become stronger as well and can attract more! Manifestation is a skill and you can learn it just like you learn everything else!

Feeling good and being happy is the best way to bring your desires into manifestation.

Because of the visual effects and vibration of the DVD you will feel good in your body … whether you do the exercises or just watch!

Benefits of this technology:

  • Transforms your inner state to the highest vibration and beingness of your desire to which the law of attraction responds to
  • Employs your body as a powerful “manifestation tool” as it grounds you to the magnetic energy of earth
  • Accelerates manifestation of your desire as you are essentially shaping and forming the energetic intelligence of the universe
  • Connects you to Source and opens your channels of divine inspiration so you always know what actions to take
  • Centers you deep in your core creating inner peace and the ability to let go and allow while you take inspired actions

In Summary

This technology allows you to embody your desires in a systematic way as you non-verbally communicate your desires to the universe. The processes help to magnetize and energize your desire so deeply that you feel as though you have created it. This allows you to get out of the way and trust as you are listening for divinely inspired actions to take. The energetic structure of the universe fuels your desire into manifestation.



“Your approach of

Using the Body As a Manifestation Tool

is truly different and very unique.”

Dr. Joe Vitale

* * *

“I would just like to express my appreciation for your work and for the DVD, which explains things so clearly and beautifully. After spending many years working on my thinking, it feels really good to involve my body in the creation process. After watching the DVD once through I felt a shift. I have been practicing pretty much every day and am loving doing my practice. It is a great way to start the day and it really gets me grounded and focused. Since learning your technology I have been asked to be a presenter in several workshops. I love this elegant practice!”

Sandra Winter

Spiritual Grid Manifestation $98


Your DVD will be shipped via USPS to your door. After you place your order you will receive links to your 6.5 Hours of Instantly Downloadable Audio that will keep you inspired!

Following is a list of what you will receive as soon as you purchase your DVD. If you already own the DVD then consider purchasing a DVD as a gift for a friend or a loved one!

1) Audio
mp3 – DVD content – 90 min
Value $48

2) Audio mp3 – Advanced Yahmit Posture Technique – 2 HOURS
Value $98

3) Audio mp3Original Spiritual Grid Manifestation Teleclasses
Learn more about applying the techniques & processes – 3 HOURS
Value $148

Click Here to Order Spiritual Grid Manifestation

With Love!

Wendy G Young

PS. Order Spiritual Grid Manifestation and begin changing your life in minutes with an instant download! The DVD will be shipped within the week!

PSS. A special thanks to my friend Mark Ty-Wharton who created the music on the Spiritual Grid Manifestation DVD...

Additional Testimonials

“After learning of Wendy G Young’s Spiritual Grid™ Manifestation Technology™ I have used some of the tools on more than one occasion to manifest small and big dreams. If you have ever wanted to hook up with the energetic nature of the Universe, Wendy’s Spiritual Grid™ is the simple and easy and effective tool for you. Wendy’s iLoveU design is filled with cleaning power. I use it daily to open my heart, mind, and being during affirmative prayer. It soothes me. When I see it, I envision iLoveU on ocean waves that wash my soul clean. Thank You Wendy for being open enough to bring forth such a loving design for the entire world to benefit.”
Barry Thomas Bechta

“When I learned Wendy’s technique, the experience I had applying it was phenomenal! Her idea of using the body as a manifesting tool was just what I needed to make a breakthrough with my goals. Her method is easy to use and the feeling I got was one of absolute completeness and at oneness with my goal. I FELT my goal, deeply and completely, manifesting and I was able to release my attachment to it because I KNEW it was already here, that it was already done! I’ve started as she suggested with smaller goals and I’m ready to pump it up! Thank you soo much for giving me what I know will be a tool I’ll use for life!”
Armando Fierro

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