Being Authentic and Gratitude For Big Changes

So much has happened since I began this blog in 2007 and it just never seemed to be the right time to write! I always had ideas about what to write about but I just realized (for me) it is not about ideas necessarily but about feeling inspired to write. It is also about writing what I am inspired by!

I decided to ask the universe what it wanted me to write about and the answer I received was about “Being Authentic.” That’s easy, right?

So just this past week I launched my new blog..I call it a soft launch! So once I feel like I really know what I am doing I will do the real launch. But really it is all real. Maybe I called it the soft launch because I was not fully committed to my new project.

Actually if I am being really truthful…this is all about my new life! My new business. The new me. New friends. New experiences. Maybe I will even attract a new boyfriend in the process!

You see for the past several years I have been undergoing a huge transformation and shift in consciousness. There have been many people who have been by my side watching and helping me move into my new paradigm. It has not been easy. I almost lost my shirt more than once. I blamed a very large customer for not keeping their end of the deal on a 1,000,000 contract. Perhaps more on that at some point.

What is most important is that when it was all said and done I am in the deepest of gratitude for their action.

When you look at this from a larger perspective, by NOT keeping their end of the deal they actually DID.  At an unconsciousness level we made this agreement so that I could undergo the kinds of inner changes I have.

If it was not for them I would definitely not be doing what I am right now. I would still be bowing down to a multi-billion dollar corporate giant and DOING all that they commanded me to do. You would think I had a job with them!!

Instead I am now just BEING and take INSPIRED ACTION which is more FUN and keeps me in my PASSION!

I now thank them for giving me the opportunity to completely change everything about my life.

That is what this blog is going to be about…

Changing Your Life…Shifting Inside to Create a New Outside of YOU…Being Happy..Being Prosperous…Being Willing to Take Inspired Actions…Letting Go…Loving Yourself… Faith…Knowing Who You are …Becoming Who You are Meant to BE!…so much more!

Are you in? Great! I look forward to having conversation with you and helping you create the life of your dreams!

If you want a Quick Start then sign up for my “Intro to my Spiritual Grid Manifestation Technology” above. My LIVE workshop is approaching very soon!

I guarantee that if you attend my workshop it will TOTALLY change how you look at your entire life!!

iLoveU !


New Blog, New Look, New Technology!

What an amazing year 2008 has been! At the end of 2007 I kept saying it was going to be a Great 2008 and yet I had no idea just how great it was going to be. Many exciting things happened in 2007 and I was still in the process of seeing how it all fit together.

As January rolled around I was asking how I was going to find the time to really put some jet fuel into the journey I had been traveling. The business I had at the time was consuming so much of my energy and it was not giving me pleasure anymore. After 17 years I was just too tired but did not know what to do with it. For a few years I had considered what it would be like without the business but kept it as a security blanket in a way.

As mid-February approached I became really clear. I was going to close it. Yep! Close the doors and write a message on the website that said “Gone Fishing!”

Then a out of the blue a brilliant thing happened. I had an inspiration and I listened! For a few years the idea of selling the business passed through my mind many times. I even had several people suggest I sell it. But it did not seem possible. I even once spoke to a business broker but it did not feel right.

What really happened is that I was ready to LET GO after 17 years of a lot of very hard work and unacceptable pressures from clients. Once I was WILLING to let go to pursue my passions, the universe stepped in and said in its quiet, sweet, assertive voice – “SELL IT!”

In that moment I knew it was the voice of DIVINE inspiration and I took immediate action. I listed it on ebay and was contacted by a business broker and before it was all said and done I sold that business for 4 times what I listed it on ebay for! The entire process was 3 months from concept to sale.

When you have the power of DIVINE inspiration behind you all that you just do is BEGIN.

Were there many more things going on that helped me make that sale so smooth and easy. Yes and I will be talking about those things here on this blog.

In the meantime I want to ask you, “What are you feeling inspired to take action on?”

What is stopping you?

Let me know. I would like to hear what you have to say as I am creating programs from inspiration to help.

I’ll be in touch soon with details on my new manifestation technology.

Even Dr. Joe Vitale says “Your approach of using the body as a manifestation tool is truly different and very unique.”

Pura Vida!
That’s Good Life!


Hurricane Ike and Law of Attraction

I have been wanting to start blogging again over recent weeks and had no idea that my first blog would be about Hurricane Ike!

I have been consistently saying that my power is staying on during and after the storm. What you focus on your create, right?

Well so far so good.

Yet I was not expecting my back porch overhang to detach from my house. I ran for my neighbors for help. If I left it sitting there on the porch it was likely to become dangerous flying debris.

So then I asked the universe for a solution. The idea I came up with was to move it onto my driveway and then drive a car onto it. It is now securely in place.

I have been wanting to rebuild my back porch area and now I guess you can say I am attracting it now!
And I want to say THANK YOU to my neighbors…Jeff and Zev for helping me.

That is all for now. During this short blog post there have been 3 power surges. The last one turned all the lights off too and then they came back on. I have been holding a strong intention to have my power stay on. Plus, it is getting late and I am totally exhausted from Hurricane Ike preparations.
So goodnight everyone..Feel free to pass this blog along to your friends.

Law of Attraction, Costa Rican Vacation, Manifestation Software and Visualization

Early in July my boyfriend planned a vacation for us on a Windjammer cruise to the Caribbean. We were going to visit the islands of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire.

Soon after this trip had been planned I installed software that would help me visualize my desires. To help me manifest my dreams faster I downloaded pictures of what it might look like. I used graphics that were already loaded in the software. I decided to visualize my vacation even though it was already planned.

The picture I downloaded was of a lush island with beautiful palm trees on the edge of the beach.

At various times during the day when the software popped up, I began visualizing this lush tropical island vacation.

Little did I know that Aruba, where we were going to spend most of our time was a desert! I just kept visualizing and after a few days we discovered that there might be a problem with the ship and that it might be taken to dry dock and not be available for our vacation.

I kept visualizing my tropical paradise still having no idea that Aruba was a desert.

We then learned that our Carribean cruise was cancelled. The ship was going in for needed repairs.

But, we were offered a choice on two other ships that had availability. One was the Mandalay and we did not choose that one and a good thing because we met some people on our cruise that said the ship broke (yes, broke!) in the middle of the night.

We did choose the cruise to Costa Rica! I had never been to Costa Rica and I never had a huge desire to go their either. And now I look forward to vacationing there again! It was beautiful. The Costa Ricans are beautiful people…friendly, resourceful, fun and loving.

And while there I took a picture of a “lush island with beautiful palm trees on the edge of the beach.” !!!!!

It looked almost exactly like the picture I was seeing in my software!

One day a thought came to me that I attracted that Costa Rican cruise for myself, my boyfriend and every other person on our ship who had originally intended to go to Aruba.

Is it possible that we are really that powerful?

I believe so!

Here is the software I used to manifest my Costa Rican vacation:

Happy Manifesting!

Pura Vida!


Aligning With Gratitude in Your Home

There is a point at the end of the hallway where I can view a spectacular site in my house. When I purchased my house 6 years ago I decorated it with multicolor paintings and accessories. My heart sings everytime I see that view. I have placed artwork everywhere could…on the walls, the floor, shelves, cabinets. Everywhere I look there is color! Today I stopped and just stood there in awe as I looked at my breathtaking museum as I was in touch with the deepest of gratitude.

Gratitude is the key to the kingdom of your desires. What do you have to be thankful for at the deepest of levels? What is in your life right NOW that sparks your inner light, that places you into alignment with all your desires?

Stop right now and get in touch with what makes your heart sing. Step into it. Feel it.

If you cannot get in touch with gratitude for something in your life right now then imagine if something you treasure was taken away from you…even if only for a short while.

Go ahead right now and imagine not having something in your life that you love. It could be as simple as your bed or your pillow or your favorite chair.

How does it feel to not have that thing that you love? Step into that for just a second.

Now imagine that it has come back to you. Step into that feeling of gratitude. Can you feel it now? Sometimes just the fear of something being taken away from us can help us step into the feeling of gratitude.

What can you do to begin feeling this gratitude everyday? What do you have to be greatful for at this moment? When you are feeling gratitude you are in alignment with the universe and your desires will be attracted to you with speed.

I am now going to take a walk down to the end of my hallway.


Law of Attraction Lunch, Italian Vacation and Sports Car

The other day I was in the Whole Foods parking lot checking my voice mail and there was a message from my friend Jackie asking if I could meet her for lunch at Whole Foods. I was buying a cup of coffee as I already lunched with another friend and Jackie’s message was much earlier so I figured it would have to be another day. When I walked towards the coffee bar I thought I heard my name and it was Jackie! She was running late so we were able to see each other anyway!

We sat down and she mentioned how much she really wanted to go to Italy with her husband to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary but because of her father’s illness it just was not the time. Then she told me about her husband’s new business and how much she really wanted a new sports car and then told me that it was not the time. Then she asked me to explain the Law of Attraction to her.

I told her that the Law of Attraction is defined as “We attract into our life what we place our focus on” whether it is negative or positive. Running into each other at Whole Foods is the law at work I explained to her. We had left messages for each other during the week and it worked out that we could spend some time together without any further action to schedule it. Serendipity (one of my favorite words!) made it’s way into our lives.

I further explained that there are other laws at work with the Law of Attraction such as the Law of Time. Everything will happen in it’s own time…Jackie will go to Italy with her husband in perfect universal timing and she will get her sports car in perfect time too. She seemed to understand all of this. She has not studied the Law of Attraction or any of the spiritual principles that support this law but it made some sense to her.

I gave her a lot more info and that she mentioned she would need some time to absorb it.

If you read something and it does not make total sense to you just take it in and let your subconscious mind process it. One day you might have one of those Ah Ha moments and say “That is what Wendy was talking about!”

I get it!

Prosperity Postures Institute Launch

Prosperity Postures Institute and officially launched yesterday, June 27, 2007! Our tagline is “Mastering the Laws of Alignment and Abundance.” Everything we do here is about that and we are creating fun and unique ways to help you get in touch with your inner master.

Our first teleclass series begins on July 11, 2007 and I will leading it. You can see more about this class here

We will be discussing the true meaning of PEP and you will discover your PEP level.

It is one of the missing pieces in explaining how to get into alignment so you can attract your desires.

Give it a try. We are offering it at an introductory rate.

See you there!


I just received my free copy of Joe Vitale’s book, Zero Limits in the mail. When I saw that it was from Wiley and Sons I was so excited I ran into the house to open it. Zero Limits is about the ancient Hawaiian Healing Technique called Ho’oponopono (sounds like it is spelled), that he learned from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len…yes, sounds like it is spelled 🙂

In May 2006 I had the fortune to attend Joe’s First Manifestation Weekend. I had no idea what it was about and I went anyway and am incredibly grateful.

Joe spoke to us from inspiration that weekend and it was amazing. Many miracles have come my way due to the practice of Ho’oponopono this past year, so I gave Joe a testimonial for his book. I guess they liked it because it is printed on pages 93-95.

The technique is quite simple.

You repeat these phrases: I love You – I’m Sorry – Please Forgive Me – Thank You … or you can just say one of them, which is what I usually do. Ask me which one I like to use.

You are saying these words to the divine. You really do not have to understand beyond that. Unless your intellect wants to know more…which it will.

When I attended the Zero Limits weekend in January 2007, Dr. Len gave us many other words that we could say. bluebonnet and maize.

Give it a try and see what happens.

Oh! You can eat the maize (corn). I do not recommend eating the bluebonnet, though you can look at one.

I knew I always loved Hawaii 🙂


Wendy Gail Young
Master Strategic Attraction™ Coach
Certified Ergonomist

Hello. I’m Wendy Young. Welcome to the bright new beginning of my Prosperity Postures™ Institute BLOG!

Prosperity Postures™ Institute is the culmination of 25 years of the study, practice and coaching of ergonomics and the spiritual principles that support the Law of Attraction and Strategic Attraction™. The Law of Attraction has certainly been at work in my life guiding me to perfect experiences so that I can now bring to you this new website, which quite literally found me! The story about this comes at a later date!

Years ago I was a short computer programmer (I’m still short!) trying to fit in a big man’s chair and this pointed me in the direction of another career!

You can read about this story at and read an article at

Years later I attended a Tony Robbins NLP Firewalk Weekend in Houston, Texas where I discovered and experienced in my body some interesting ideas about how our bodies work. This was incredibly intriguing to me and led me into much deeper exploration of which I am still immersed in.

A few years later, the ergonomic industry also found me and my website created on April 1, 1996 (no kidding!) and was one of the first ergonomic websites in the world. Just last year I launched my eBook website mentioned above.

Various media for TV and radio shows and major newspapers and magazines have interviewed me. I have been having a blast!

The idea of creating a series of programs that combines my entire ball of wax is located on these website pages, my blog and the pages and entries to come.

Prosperity Postures™ Institute will be offering several Law of Attraction programs in a fun and expansive and new way and I look forward to a fun and exciting relationship with you.

Yours in Peace and Prosperity


Wendy Gail Young
Master Strategic Attraction™ Coach
Certified Ergonomist

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